
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:58:48



  • 1、She started toweep uncontrollably.(她不由自主地哭了起来。)
  • 2、Elsie, why do youweep?(爱尔莎,你为什么哭?)
  • 3、I do notweep over his death.(他死了我也不哭。)
  • 4、Why must Iweep when others sing?(别人欢唱,我为何悲哭?)
  • 5、Grandma wouldweep bitter tears whenever she recalls the war and her parents who died in the war.(每当回忆起战争和她在战争中丧生的父母时,奶奶都会留下伤心的眼泪。)
  • 6、The notion that animals canweep has no scientific basis.(动物会哭泣的说法没有科学依据。)
  • 7、Iris Rossner has seen eastern German customersweep for joy when they drive away in shiny, new Mercedes-Benz sedans.(罗斯纳曾见过东德的客户,当他们开着闪闪发亮的新款梅赛德斯-奔驰轿车离开时,喜笑颜开。)
  • 8、Do not sigh, do notweep!(不要叹息,不要哭泣!)
  • 9、"Do notweep," he said.(“不要哭了。”他说。)
  • 10、Banshees wail andweep, but they never howl.(女妖会哀号哭泣,但她们从不嚎叫。)
  • 11、weep for what little things could make them glad.(为能让他们高兴的小事而哭泣。)
  • 12、Wonderfully melodic and tuneful, his songs have made meweep.(旋律优美、悦耳动听,他的歌曲让我潸然泪下。)
  • 13、"When the deadweep, they are beginning to recover," said the Crow solemnly.(“当死者哭泣的时,他们就开始恢复了。”乌鸦严肃地说。)
  • 14、Be warned: You will read it and mightweep.(提醒一句:你阅读它,可能会流泪。)
  • 15、He went on with his dinner, and said, 'Little Marleen, why do youweep?(他继续吃晚饭,说:“小玛杰丽,你为什么哭?”)
  • 16、Sometimes you feel better for a goodweep.(有时候你痛痛快快哭上一场就会觉得好受些。)
  • 17、"Come, come," said the Little Man, "do not lose time over a donkey that canweep."(“好了,好了,”矮个子说,“别为一头会哭的驴子浪费时间了。”)
  • 18、Allow yourself toweep for things you have lost.(容许你为自己已经失去的事物而哭泣。)
  • 19、Oh, thou must notweep, I cannot bear it.(哦,你千万不要哭,我受不了。)
  • 20、As I read it, I began toweep.(我读着读着,泪水夺眶而出。)
  • 21、Her father began to be very sorrowful, and toweep, saying, "Alas, my dearest child!"(她的父亲开始非常难过,哭着说:“唉,我最亲爱的孩子!”)
  • 22、Burying her head in her pillow, she would oftenweep a long, long time.(她把头埋在枕头里,常常哭上很长时间。)
  • 23、Might it be that this piece of wood has learned toweep and cry like a child?(难道是这块木头学会了像孩子一样哭泣吗?)
  • 24、"Ah," she answered, "have I not reason toweep?"(“啊,”她回答,“难道我没有理由哭吗?”)
  • 25、"Ah," said Elsie, "have I not reason toweep?"(“啊,”埃尔西说,“我没有理由哭吗?”)
  • 26、Her nose twitched and she began toweep.(她鼻子一酸,流下泪来。)
  • 27、He started to hiccup andweep, and when he was conveyed to the place, they had to drag him by the hands along the floor.(他开始又哭又打嗝儿,当他被抬到那个地方时,他们不得不拖着他的手在地板上走。)
  • 28、Cold pipesweep in hot weather.(热天冷管子会滴水。)
  • 29、She wanted to laugh andweep all at once.(她哭笑不得。) 【hao86.com好工具】



英 [wi:p] 美 [wip] 
过去式: wept 过去分词: wept 现在分词: weeping 第三人称单数: weeps

