


更新时间:2025-01-05 12:18:29



  • 1、Thewavelength, and hence the colour, of this light depends on the size of the dot.(光线的波长——即是对应着其颜色——取决于该微粒的尺寸。)
  • 2、He went to a bar, in the bar, a shortwavelength radio was broadcasting pop music.(酒吧里一台短波长的收音机正在播放流行音乐。)
  • 3、Neutral hydrogen emits radiation on a characteristic 21cmwavelength, while ionised hydrogen does not.(中性氢辐射出离子化氢所没有的特有的21厘米波长。)
  • 4、Thiswavelength of light can penetrate several centimetres into the skin.(这种光波可以穿透皮肤几厘米深。)
  • 5、You always must be sure that you have a good calibration of yourwavelength.(你们必须确定,对于波长有一个,很好的标度。)
  • 6、So cones hit by underwater rays are primed to sense longer-wavelength yellow light.(因此从水面下的锥体对长波黄光敏感而水面上的锥体对短波绿光敏感。)
  • 7、These effects, Catchpole says, "are usually very sensitive towavelength.(卡崔布尔说:“这些光谱效应经常随波长而变。”)
  • 8、Light at that exactwavelength would normally be totally absorbed.(这个波长上的光通常被完全吸收。)
  • 9、She found thewavelength of their broadcasts, and left the radio tuned to their station.(她找到了他们广播的波段,把收音机调到他们的电台上。)
  • 10、This fascinating experiment showed that plants not only detect and react to specificwavelengths of light, plants can also detect and react to changes in the ratio of onewavelength to another.(这个有趣的实验表明,植物不仅能探测和对特定波长的光产生反应,还能探测不同波长比率的变化并对其做出反应。)
  • 11、This is because thewavelength of visible light is longer than 200 nanometres.(因为可见光的波长大于200纳米。)
  • 12、The assumption of constant relative humidity is important, because water vapor in the atmosphere is another efficient absorber of radiation at infraredwavelength.(相对湿度恒定的假设是重要的,因为大气中的水蒸气是红外波长辐射的另一种有效吸收剂。)
  • 13、We want to divide all of this by ourwavelength, and to keep our units the same we'll do meters.(我们想用波长除以所有这些,而且为了保持单位统一我们采用米为单位。)
  • 14、We have a UV lamp right here, which is centered at awavelength of 254 nanometers.(我们有一个紫外灯在这里,波长集中在254纳米处。)
  • 15、The precise thickness at which the fibre traps the light depends on thewavelength of that light.(纤维捕捉光束的确切厚度取决于那条光束的波长。)
  • 16、The longestwavelength, 22 micrometers, is shown in red, capturing larger dust grains.(波长最长的达22微米的红色显示的是捕捉到的较大的宇宙尘埃颗粒。)
  • 17、I am sure you all know from physics class about how light moves in microscopic ways and that we can only see light when thewavelength of that light is in a specific range.(我相信,你们在物理课上都学过光是如何以微观的方式运动的,以及只有在光的波长在特定的范围内时我们才能看到光这一事实。)
  • 18、If the distance between the wall and the dam was large in comparison to thewavelength, then what happens?(如果墙和坝之间的距离比波长大,那么会导致什么?)
  • 19、Those lasers produce onewavelength of light that doesn't stop unless the power is cut.(这些激光器产生一个具有波长的光,它不会停止,除非电源被切断。)
  • 20、Just remember that violet light is the end that actually has the shortestwavelength, which means that it also has, of course, the highest frequency.(只要记住,紫色光在末端,实际上,它有最短的波长,意味着它当然也有最高的频率。)
  • 21、If this distance is large in comparison to thewavelength, this dam simply casts a shadow.(如果这个距离比波长大,那么这个水坝就会投下阴影。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 22、De Broglie, 1924, in his PhD thesis says, if an electron has wave-like properties, this would be itswavelength.(1924年德布罗意在他的博士毕业论文中说道,如果一个电子具有类似波的性质,这就是它的波长。)
  • 23、We could complete each other's sentences because we were on the samewavelength.(我们可以彼此把没说完的句子接完整,因为我们志趣相投。)
  • 24、Since we have my red laser pointer, we will also try with the red laser pointer, which is centered atwavelength of 700 nanometers.(因为我们有我的红色激光笔,我们也会尝试红色激光笔,它的中心波长是700纳米。)
  • 25、All substances, all forms of matter, can be distinguished according to whatwavelength of light they absorb and which ones they reflect.(所有形式的物质,都可以根据它们吸收的光的波长以及反射的光的波长来区分。)
  • 26、All we can measure is thewavelength.(我们能测量的是波长。)
  • 27、We know that nu is equal to c overwavelength.(我们知道υ等于c除以波长。)
  • 28、Thiswavelength corresponds to one of the best Windows in the atmosphere.(该波长正处于大气最佳窗口之一。)



英 [ˈweɪvleŋθ] 美 [ˈwevˌlɛŋkθ, -ˌlɛŋθ] 
