


更新时间:2024-08-27 11:58:27



  • 1、Knowing how to operate machinery tofabricate lock parts and tools will be beneficial, "the cia job Posting said."(熟悉如何操作机器来制造锁件和工具将有利于得到这份工作。“CIA招聘通知写道。”)
  • 2、A computer scientist may notfabricate her own ICs, and may not write her own compiler and operating system.(一个计算机科学家可能不会编制他自己的集成电路,也可能不会写自己的编译器和操作系统。)
  • 3、A new method tofabricate aspherical compound lens was proposed.(介绍了一种制作非球面复合透镜的新方法。)
  • 4、fabricate and install suspended metal ceiling grids and place in panels to form acoustical and coffered ceilings.(制造和安装悬浮金属天花板网格,并放入嵌板,形成声学和格子天花板。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 5、We used our models to make a kind of recipe for experimentalists so they couldfabricate it.(为了我们能够制造它,我们通过自己的模型去获得实验心得。)
  • 6、Whether or not you choose to find orfabricate your water droplets it can take a bit of effort to get right.(不论你选择寻找还是制造你的拍摄对象,都需要一些准备。)
  • 7、Their advancements have been about how to design andfabricate that intricate structure cheaply.(它们的进展主要是关于如何低成本地设计和制备这些精细结构的。)
  • 8、They exaggerate about money, they don't know football nearly as well as they think they do, and theyfabricate stories about women.(他们会夸大金钱,他们对于足球的无知程度几乎和他们自以为的了解程度一样,他们还会编造关于女人的段子。)
  • 9、It's also fairly easy tofabricate, making it far more commercially viable than other methods of downsizing battery technology.(而且这种电池生产难度不高,比其他瘦身电池的方法更加容易投入商用化。)
  • 10、David, on the other hand, had labored tofabricate a curious patent leather trouser suit.(另一方面,大卫努力制作了一套奇特的、别出心裁的皮革裤套装。)
  • 11、Compound surfaces are more difficult and expensive tofabricate.(复合的表面在制造上更困难,花费也更大。)
  • 12、Tofabricate discrete devices and integrated circuits we use many different kinds of thin film.(为了制造分立器件和集成电路,我们使用许多不同种类的薄膜。)
  • 13、In this project, students willfabricate composite materials using different high performance fibres and lay-up designs.(在这个项目中,学生将用多种高性能的纤维和不同的铺层设计来制造复合材料。)
  • 14、That a lie, tofabricate ten lies to make up, why bother?(说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话来弥补,何苦呢?)
  • 15、Sheet metal workersfabricate, assemble, install and repair sheet metal products.(钣金工人制造,装配,安装和维修钣金产品。)
  • 16、My confession was false and I thought I had tofabricate it to save myself.(我的招供是假的,我为了救自己不得不编造了那些供词。)
  • 17、Weld, braze, cement, solder and thread joints to join pipes andfabricate sections of piping system.(焊接,钎焊,用水泥涂抹,焊锡和螺纹接头,使其连接至管道,从而制造管道系统截面。)
  • 18、He used the letterhead tofabricate a more convincing letter which he wrote to my mother.(他用这信纸伪造了一封很具有说服力的信寄给了我妈妈。)
  • 19、In fact, on most occasions, what we are frightened of is nothing but the fear that wefabricate.(事实上,在很多时候,我们所害怕的并不是其它,而是我们自己虚构出来的。)
  • 20、Instead, they justfabricate their plots and characters based on their one-sided and ignorant understanding of life.(相反,他们只是根据自己对生活的片面和无知的理解去编造故事情节和人物特征。)
  • 21、Tito had never had an occasion tofabricate an ingenious lie before.(蒂托从前还没有机会制造一个货真价值的谎话。)
  • 22、They will alsofabricate a compact, portable device to assist the patients at home as they exercise the affected hand.(他们还会制作一种小型便携的设备来帮助病人在家里练习受影响的手。)
  • 23、Then the writing machine is able tofabricate such a mask with this kind of file.(刻写机可以根据该掩模板加工文件加工出需要的掩模板。)
  • 24、The meta-analysis suggested that 14% of researchers had seen their colleaguesfabricate, falsify, alter or modify data.(元分析结果显示,有14%的研究者曾见过自己的同事杜撰、伪造、改动或修改数据。)



英 [ˈfæbrɪkeɪt] 美 [ˈfæbrɪˌket] 
名词: fabrication 过去式: fabricated 过去分词: fabricated 现在分词: fabricating 第三人称单数: fabricates
