5、You are your kid's parent, not a professor orpreacher.(你是家长,而不是教授或传道士。)
6、Edwards is a Methodist laypreacher and social worker.(爱德华兹是一位卫理公会的世俗布道者和社工。)
7、He was a blood-and-thunderpreacher.(他是一位嗓音洪亮激动人心的传道人。)
8、He stood among his friends and listened to thepreacher.(他站在亲友中间,聆听牧师致词。)
9、Thepreacher was circuiting about the state.(这位布道者正在该州巡回布道。)
10、Nearing the central part, her echoes were intruded on by other sounds; and seeing the barn, she guessed these to be the utterances of thepreacher.(在靠近中心的地方,她的回声受到了其他声音的干扰;看到谷仓,她猜想这是牧师的声音。)
11、I remember he went to Mrs. Watts's prostitute's house, and he got a hat on, and the hat just made him look like apreacher.(我记得他去了瓦茨太太的妓院,他戴上了一顶帽子,帽子让他看起来像个传教士。)
12、The words of thepreacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.(在耶路撒冷作王,大卫的儿子,传道者的言语。)
13、And how shall they hear without apreacher?(没有传道的,怎能听见呢。)
14、There was thispreacher who was an avid golfer.(从前,有一个酷爱打高尔夫球的牧师。)
15、A Trusted Friend such as Yourpreacher.(可以信任的朋友,比如你的神父。)
16、At some point apreacher appears and delivers a lengthy sermon.(在某个时候,传教士露面,开始其冗长的布道。)
17、We have the blindpreacher.(我们知道了那个盲传教士。)
18、Thepreacher nodded.(牧师点点头。)
19、Remember what that new youngpreacher said in church today.(记住今天在教堂新来的年轻牧师所说的话。)
20、There stood ourpreacher... he was the "homeless man".(此刻,在讲道坛上站着的是我们的牧师——那个“无家可归”的人。)
21、"We cannot walk alone," thepreacher cried.(“我们不能独行,”牧师呼吁道。)
22、Vanity of vanities, saith thepreacher; all is vanity.(传道者说,虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空。)
23、Thepreacher asked.(牧师问道。) (好工具hao86.com)
24、In Dresden he was apreacher at his local church.(他曾在德累斯顿当地的教堂任传道士。)