1、I tried to jump up, but I could not stir a limb, then I yelled aloud in a frenzy offright.(我试图跳起来,可是我四肢动弹不得,然后我在惊骇中大声喊叫起来。)
2、The steam pipes rattled suddenly, and Franklin jumped withfright.(蒸汽管突然发出咯咯的声音,弗兰克林吓得跳了起来。)
3、Heidi exclaimed in herfright.(海蒂吓得大叫。)
4、Pinocchio was beginning to tremble withfright.(皮诺乔开始吓得浑身发抖。) (hao86.com好工具)
5、You got red with anger, green with envy, and white withfright.(你气得通红,嫉妒得脸青,吓得脸色发白。)
6、Pale fromfright, Heidi said, "I do not know."(海蒂吓得脸色苍白,说:“我不知道。”)
7、This deep sea creepy-crawly gave oil workers afright, after the unexpected visitor hitched a ride on a submarine sent from a rig in the Gulf of Mexico.(当这个不速之客搭乘了一艘从墨西哥湾钻井平台发出的潜艇后,这种深海爬行动物吓了石油工人一跳。)
8、She cried out infright.(她吓得大声叫喊。)
9、I get stagefright every time I'm going to teach a new class.(每到要教新课的时候,我都会怯场。)
10、Mrs. Medlock did get afright then.(梅德洛克太太当时确实吓坏了。)
11、"Not go fleeing from the room infright!" added the third monster, a scoundrel by the name of Atkinson.(“别吓得从屋里跑出来!”第三个怪物,名叫阿特金森的无赖补充说。)
12、He was shaking withfright.(他吓得发抖。)
13、Martha's face became red withfright.(玛莎的脸吓红了。)
14、I get really bad stagefright.(我真的很怕上台。)
15、Claire, what do you do for stagefright?(克莱尔,你怎么应对怯场?)
16、Ah, stagefright! Many actors have that problem.(啊,怯场!很多演员都有这个问题。)
17、You gave me afright jumping out at me like that.(你这样跳起来扑向我,把我吓了一大跳。)
18、The snake picked up its head and stuck out its tongue which gave everyone afright.(那条蛇昂起头,吐出信子,把每个人都吓了一大跳。)
19、The grandmother jumped up in herfright and asked him what that meant.(奶奶吓得跳起来,问他这是怎么回事。)
20、All three had gasped withfright more than once.(三个人又一次吓得倒抽一口冷气。)
21、They had died offright. No one knows what they saw except it scared the hell out of them.(他们的死因是惊吓过度。没人知道他们看见了什么,大家只知道他们吓得把命都丢了。)
22、Tom'sfright weakened every muscle in his body.(汤姆吓得浑身无力。)
23、Oh, what afright and a joy it was!(啊,这是多么令人害怕又高兴的事啊!)
24、I got thefright of my life.(我吓得要命。)
25、A parent expressesfright upon hearing thunder, and the child sees this fear and develops the fear for himself.(父母一听到雷声就表现出受惊吓,孩子看到这种害怕后会则会发展出对他自己来说的害怕。)
26、She shrieked infright.(她吓得尖叫起来。)
27、The birds tookfright and flew off.(鸟受惊飞走了。)
28、Glued to a chair in herfright, Miss Rottenmeier called: "Send the boy away!"(她吓得呆呆地坐在椅子上,叫道:“把男孩送走!”)
29、The birds smashed into the top of their cages infright.(鸟儿们吓得猛撞笼顶。)
30、The boys clasped each other suddenly, in an agony offright.(两个男孩突然紧紧地抱在一起,吓得要命。)