


更新时间:2024-08-27 11:57:31



  • 1、The dissertation makes the durabilityevaluation to the pipeline system of the watering cart.(本文对洒水车的管道系统进行了耐久性评估。)
  • 2、He is soon going to have anevaluation interview with his supervisor and the personnel director to discuss the work he has done in the past year.(他马上要和他的主管和人事主任进行评估面谈,讨论他过去一年所做的工作。)
  • 3、The objective is to explore the roles of color Doppler vena contracta in theevaluation of mitral regurgitation grading.(目的是探讨彩色多普勒静脉收缩术在评估二尖瓣反流分级中的作用。)
  • 4、If the employees were already aware of their deficiencies before theevaluation period, however, they may be unable or unwilling to correct them.(然而,如果员工在评估期之前就已经意识到自己的不足,他们可能无法或不愿纠正这些不足。)
  • 5、Common traps in theevaluation process.(评价过程中的常见陷阱。)
  • 6、When Dr. Gottman really wants to assess whether a couple will stay together, he invites them to his island retreat for a much longerevaluation: two days, not two seconds.(如果戈特曼博士真的想要评估一对夫妇是否会在一起,他会邀请他们到他的岛上静修处进行一个更长的评估:持续两天,而不是两秒钟。)
  • 7、When supervisors give employees an unfavorableevaluation, they must decide whether to take any suspending actions.(当主管给员工一个不满意的评价时,主管们必须决定是否采取任何行动,让该员工暂时停职。)
  • 8、Long-term studies forevaluation of carcinogenic potential have not been performed with clevidipine butyrate.(对丁酸氯维地平这种药物的致癌风险的长期研究尚未进行。)
  • 9、The way the guests were treated in the hotel influenced theirevaluation of the service.(客人在酒店受到的待遇影响了他们对服务的评价。)
  • 10、Procedures forevaluation are important.(评分标准很重要。)
  • 11、In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, anevaluation of forty-two schools suggested that, over a two-year period, bullying was halved.(在挪威,一项干预运动在全国推广后,对42所学校的评估表明,在两年的时间里,欺凌现象减少了一半。)
  • 12、Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserveevaluation.(最近这些历史学家继承了比尔德、贝克等二十世纪早期“进步派”历史学家的一些观点,他们提出的观点值得我们仔细分析。)
  • 13、Employees who receive a very favorableevaluation may deserve some type of recognition or even a promotion.(得到好评的员工可能会得到某种认可,甚至升职。)
  • 14、Please fill out the employeesevaluation form.(请填考核表。)
  • 15、evaluation will only hinder the process.(评估好坏只会阻碍你的思路。)
  • 16、evaluation research is called upon to demonstrate successes or failures of social programs.(评估研究被用于论证社会项目的成败。)
  • 17、Still, the results of theevaluation were promising, suggesting that the potential benefits of early intervention can be substantial.(尽管如此,评估的结果是有希望的,这表明早期干预的潜在好处是巨大的。)
  • 18、Now as well as your own draft report, I've also received some writtenevaluation from the association on the work you did during your placement, and how it was of benefit to them.(现在除了你自己的报告草稿外,我还收到了协会对你实习期间所做工作的一些书面评估,以及这些工作对他们有哪些贡献。)
  • 19、"The results are just a piece of the jigsaw puzzle in terms of climate models. They are part of the ongoing process of climate modelevaluation, " He said.(他说:“这些结果只是气候模型拼图的一部分而已。它们是正在不断进行中的气候模型评价的一部分。”)
  • 20、Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for finalevaluation.(遵照这一评语,学生们重写他们的论文并交上去以接受终审。)
  • 21、The writer discusses theevaluation of evidential matter in two ways.(作者从两方面讨论了证据评价。)
  • 22、In our fourthevaluation, we analyzed the disk I/O for each of the workloads.(在第四个评估场景中,我们分析了不同工作负载下的磁盘输入/输出。)
  • 23、Usually, our teachers often give someevaluation on us according to the performance in their eyes.(通常,我们老师经常会根据在他们眼中我们的表现来做出评价。)
  • 24、Lazyevaluation of location paths.(位置路径的弱求值。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 25、The Chinese people'sevaluation of Cao Cao mainly comes from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Ming Guan novelist Luo Guanzhong.(国人对曹操的评价主要源于明代小说家罗贯中所著的《三国演义》。)
  • 26、The pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and clinicalevaluation of vilazodone were reviewed.(对维拉唑酮的药理作用、药动学以及临床评价进行了回顾。)
  • 27、He got a goodevaluation.(他得到了很好的评价。)
  • 28、evaluation: What do you have?(评估:您有什么?)
  • 29、The formal procedures of scientificevaluation provided one framework.(科学评估的正式程序提供了一个框架。)



英 [ɪˌvæljʊ'eɪʃn] 美 [ɪˌvæljʊˈeʃən] 
