1、The result is that thechecker chooses colour over color, acknowledgement over acknowledgment, and so on.(结果是,检查器选择colour而不是color,选择acknowledgement而不是acknowledgment,等等。)
2、The toolbar also includes a spellchecker icon if the spellchecker feature has been made available by the administrator.(如果拼写检查器特性已由管理员启用,工具栏上还包括拼写检查器图标。)
3、Pre-checker: For many customers, this may be the most interesting template we provide.(Pre-checker:对于许多客户而言,这可能是我们提供的最有趣的模板。)
4、Powerful editing features include tables, spellchecker, and quick hyperlinks.(强大的编辑功能包括表格,拼写检查,和快速超链接。)
5、Also notice that the typechecker can't even check that every instantiation of a mixin will result in valid super-constructor calls.(而且请注意,类型检查器甚至不能检查是否每个mixin实例化都会产生有效的超级构造函数调用。)
6、Being a man of action, he brought up the laptop and logged on to the NHS Swine Flu symptom-checker.(丈夫是一个雷厉风行的人,他立刻打开笔记本电脑,登陆到国家卫生事业局猪流感症状查询中心。)
7、Classmate: You'd better get someone to check for spelling and grammatical errors, because a spell-checker won't pick out every mistake.(同学:你最好是找个人帮你检查一下拼写和语法错误,因为Word中的自动检查插件不一定能帮你检查出每一处错误。)
8、A person who does nothing but to compare a program against some reference is achecker, not a tester.(而仅仅根据参考文档来比较当前程序的人也是检查人员,不是测试人员。)
9、This is where the pre-checker may be able to help.(这时,pre-checker可能会为您提供帮助。)
10、The Web Servicechecker component makes calls to a specified Web Service, converting the returned data into the simple XML format.(WebServicechecker组件调用指定的Web服务,并将返回的数据转换为简单的XML格式。)
11、Run the Spell and Grammarchecker.(执行拼写和语法检查程序。)
12、The NNTPchecker component gets the latest posts to a specified newsgroup on an NNTP server.(NNTPchecker组件获取NTTP服务器上指定新闻组的最新张贴内容。) (好工具hao86.com)
13、Online Merchant sitemapchecker checks the XML headers in your sitemap.xml file for accuracy before you submit it.(OnlineMerchant站点地图检查器在您提交sitemap.xml文件之前检查其中的xml头部,以确保它的精确。)
14、The official tools described in this article are: a Web syntaxchecker and a screen reader.(本文描述的官方工具有:语法检查器和屏幕阅读器。)
15、Always run the spell and grammarchecker before editing a text.(但凡你要修改一篇文本,修改前务必运行一下拼写和语法检查程序。)
16、Spell Checking - background spellchecker that highlights mispelled words in comments(拼写检查——后台拼写检查器,可以高亮注释中拼写错误的单词)
17、The site offers an encyclopedic index of diseases and a symptomchecker to see what that forehead pain could mean.(网站提供了像百科全书一样丰富的疾病目录和症状指标,可以让你了解造成额头疼痛可能的原因。)
18、I ran the HMC readinesschecker to identify any 595 hardware issues that may impact the upgrade.(我运行HMCreadinesschecker识别可能影响升级的595硬件问题。)
19、ISBSG early estimatechecker: Use this tool, shown in Figure 1, as a sanity check for your early estimates.(ISBSGEarlyEstimatechecker:如图1中所示,使用此工具对早期评估进行健全性检查。)
20、You can try either the W3C mobileOK Basicchecker or the ready.mobi testing tool (see Resources).(您可以尝试一下W3CmobileOKBasicchecker或ready.mobi测试工具(参阅参考资料)。)
21、We also found the software-compatibilitychecker to be kind of lame.(此外,我们还发现了残废的软件兼容检测器。)
22、Microsoft says it spent several million dollars over 20 years to develop a robust spell-checker for its word-processing program.(微软声称花费了数百万美元和超过20年的时间为其字处理程序开发一个健壮的拼写检查程序。)
23、You can invoke the spellchecker directly by using spell: followed by your keyword.(你可以在关键词前加上”spell:”来直接调用Google的拼写检查功能。)
24、AIXPCM has a path healthchecker built into its functionality to reclaim failed paths automatically.(AIXPCM有一个构建在其功能上的路径健康检查程序,用来自动回收失败路径。)
25、A person who needs a clear, complete, up-to-date, unambiguous specification to proceed is achecker, not a tester.(需要有最新的、清晰、完整而且没有歧义的规范说明才能工作的人是检查人员,不是测试人员。)
26、Use a spellchecker if you need to.(如果需要,可以使用拼写检查器。)
27、PageRankchecker: a simple extension that shows the Google PageRank for the current web site.(PageRank查看器:一款用来显示当前页面的PR值的简单扩展)
28、Here's a real-life example, a challenge a team of our engineers once faced: designing a spell-checker for the Google search engine.(这是一个现实中的例子,我们的工程师小组曾经面对过一个挑战:为Google的搜索引擎设计一个拼写检查工具。)