1、meanwhile Mr. Sesemann, having finished his business in Paris, was also preparing a surprise.(与此同时,在巴黎处理完生意的赛赛曼先生也在准备着一个惊喜。)
2、The Rat,meanwhile, was busy examining the label on one of the beer-bottles.(与此同时,水鼠兰特正忙着检查其中一个啤酒瓶上的标贴。)
3、meanwhile his hunger grew and grew.(与此同时,他的饥饿感越来越强烈。)
4、meanwhile other scientists noticed the same lack of solar perfection and proclaimed the fact.(与此同时,其他科学家也注意到同样缺乏完美的太阳,并宣布了这个事实。)
5、You,meanwhile, will be skulking in the safety of the car.(与此同时,你会安全地藏在汽车里。)
6、meanwhile, tax breaks for children are modest.(与此同时,对儿童税收的优惠力度不大。)
7、meanwhile, the admittance rate is also rising.(同时,录取率也在上升。)
8、meanwhile, TV use did not show this tracking.(但与此同时,电视使用并没有显示这种跟踪。)
9、The Queen hadmeanwhile been examining the roses.(与此同时,王后一直在仔细检查玫瑰花。)
10、meanwhile, I'll set the table.(同时,我会摆好桌子。)
11、meanwhile, preference for private over public services made management even more difficult.(与此同时,相比公共服务,私人服务更受青睐,这使得管理更加困难。)
12、His colleagues,meanwhile, were busily scheming to get rid of him.(与此同时,他的同事在加紧谋划挤走他。)
13、meanwhile, things that may discourage spending include "bad" tables and crowding.(与此同时,可能阻碍消费的因素包括“糟糕”的餐桌和拥挤的人流。)
14、Dips in memory,meanwhile, generally became apparent around age 37.(与此同时,记忆衰退一般在37岁左右变得明显。)
15、Andmeanwhile, they mostly lost their coat of fur.(与此同时,它们几乎失去了皮毛。)
16、Brush the eggplant with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft.meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.(给茄子刷好油,加盐和胡椒粉,烤到软。同时,加热厚底锅中剩余的油。)
17、meanwhile, the battle waxed more and more furious.(与此同时,战斗变得越来越激烈。)
18、meanwhile, my debts were mounting up.(同时,我的债务在不断增加。)
19、I'm calling up, andmeanwhile, I'm running out of money.(我不停地打电话,同时,我的钱也快花光了。)
20、meanwhile we must do a good job in transport and communications.(同时我们要搞好交通运输工作。)
21、meanwhile, the administration is playing the fear card.(与此同时,政府正在打恐惧牌。)
22、meanwhile, a pretty princess from heaven secretly came to the earth to find happiness.(与此同时,一位来自天堂的美丽公主偷偷来到地球寻找幸福。)
23、The media,meanwhile, has blown hot and cold over the affair.(同时,媒体对这件事的态度一直摇摆不定。)
24、Many European universities,meanwhile, are still mostly dependent on government funding.(与此同时,许多欧洲大学仍然主要依赖政府资助。)
25、meanwhile, the number of consumers hungry for such gadgets continues to swell.(与此同时,渴望拥有这类产品的消费者数量持续上涨。)
26、meanwhile, pupils arrive at school hungry because their families can't afford breakfast.(与此同时,学生们饿着肚子来到学校,因为他们的家庭买不起早餐。)
27、meanwhile the wolf ran straight to the grandmother's house and knocked at the door.(与此同时,狼径直跑到奶奶家,敲了敲门。)