
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:17:04



  • 1、It means we can't just discuss these topics asabstruse or technical issues because they aren't.(这意味着我们不能只将这些议题作为技术问题来讨论,因为他们不是。)
  • 2、The intellectual, who is working on someabstruse problem, has everything coordinated and organized for the matter in hand.(一个专心钻研某个复杂问题的知识分子,为了搞好手头的研究,要把一切都协调一致,组织周密。)
  • 3、The discoveries wereabstruse, but he was seen by many of his peers as a rising star.(他的发现很深奥,但还是被同仁们视为正在升起的新星。)
  • 4、It was difficult to discern that despite all theabstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan.(很难辨明那个教授虽然有很多深奥的词汇,实际上却是一个冒充内行的人现代英汉词典。)
  • 5、This paper's analysis can be counted a dig out of behavior economics'abstruse opinion about irrational choice theory.(本文的分析可视为对行为经济学非理性选择理论之深邃见解的一种挖掘。)
  • 6、I've been working on thisabstruse problem ever since last year.(自从去年以来,我一直在钻研这个深奥的问题。)
  • 7、Even the mostabstruse fields, Mr Lazaridis observes, yield practical benefits in the long run.(拉扎里迪斯先生评论说,即便是最为深奥的领域,从长远来看也会带来实际的好处。)
  • 8、Einstein's theory of relativity is veryabstruse.(爱因斯坦的相对论非常难懂。)
  • 9、But this is noabstruse and pointlessly exasperated research: design is dictated by contemporary needs.(但是这并不玄奥白白气愤研究:设计是由当代的需要。)
  • 10、It can well be imagined that one would not ordinarily relish being drawn intoabstruse discussions with such a person.(很容易想象,我们平日里是不太愿意同这样的人在一起进行这种深奥的讨论的。)
  • 11、For the average editor, that analogy might seemabstruse.(对大多数编辑而言,这一类比似乎很深奥。)
  • 12、What disease canabstruse saltpetre Zun treat?(奥硝唑可以治疗什么病啊?)
  • 13、Answer: This question is one of the most important andabstruse of divine problems.(答:这个问题是最重要也最深奥的神学问题之一。)
  • 14、Maths is a mix ofabstruse theory and detailed calculations.(数学既有深奥的理论,又有精密的计算。)
  • 15、Tet on the whole his poetry are classified into two main categories:involved andabstruse style and plain style.(作为宋诗的代表,山谷诗具有多样的风格,它们大致可以分为生新和平易二体。)
  • 16、It's a good movie but it's tooabstruse for me.(这是一部好电影,但是对我太深奥了。)
  • 17、My mostabstruse class was Advanced Calculus Mathematics.(最深奥难懂的课非微积分莫属。)
  • 18、In fact, what politeness concerns is far more complex andabstruse.(实际上礼貌所涉及的问题非常深奥、复杂。)
  • 19、If you do not master arithmetic, you will find algebra complicated andabstruse.(如果没有掌握算术,你就会认为代数复杂而深奥。)
  • 20、Such, your on eyelid will become more stereo, look an eye moreabstruse and bright.(这样,你的上眼睑将变得更为立体,看上去眼睛更深邃明亮。)
  • 21、Tai Ji is soabstruse, it is about human being and nature. I have more and more interest in it.(太极很深奥,涉及到人与大自然的关系,我也越来越有兴趣学它了。)
  • 22、Lu Xun's works are veryabstruse. You must read between the lines.(鲁迅的著作非常深奥难解,你必须从字里行间去仔细体会。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 23、What is the good of a husband who can makeabstruse mathematical calculations?(一个能进行深奥的数学计算的丈夫有什么好处?)
  • 24、The involved andabstruse passage makes several interpretations possible.(这段艰涩的文字可以作出好几种解释。)
  • 25、The secret of the effect is not actuallyabstruse, the tile is one of apian brand, important still depend on using.(其实效果的秘密并不深奥,磁砖是蜜蜂品牌中的一款,重要的还在于使用。)



英 [əbˈstru:s] 美 [æbˈstrus, əb-] 
副词: abstrusely 名词: abstruseness
