1、Mary touched it herself in aneager, reverent way.(玛丽自己急切而虔诚地摸了摸。)
2、They wereeager for a second bite of the cherry.(他们渴望能得到第二次机会。)
3、When my own son was five years old, I becameeager for another baby.(当我儿子5岁的时候,我开始渴望要另一个宝宝。)
4、Heidi had said all this in one breath, she was soeager.(海蒂一口气说完了这一切,她是如此的渴望。)
5、Detectives hunting the bombers will beeager to interview him.(追踪引爆炸弹者的警探们将急于审问他。)
6、He did not speak as if he was frightfullyeager for the treat.(他没有说话,好像他非常渴望这份差事似的。)
7、He iseager to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.(他急于剔除那些他认为可能是行骗的申请人。)
8、He stopped suddenly and looked curiously at hereager face.(他突然停了下来,好奇地看着她热切的脸。)
9、The pool was declared open andeager swimmers plunged in.(游泳池刚刚宣布开门,游泳的人就急切地跳入池中。)
10、The other banks are going to be veryeager to help, provided that they see that he has a specific plan.(如果他有一个具体的计划,其他的银行才会非常渴望提供资助。)
11、Companies are increasinglyeager to contract out peripheral activities like training.(公司越来越渴望把像培训这样的次要活动外包出去。)
12、Kate was in a hurry to grow up,eager for knowledge and experience.(凯特急切地想长大,渴望获得知识和经验。)
13、The company iseager to gain a foothold in Europe.(这家公司急于在欧洲取得一席之地。)
14、He was roused from this dejection by Smee'seager voice.(斯密急切的声音把他从沮丧中唤醒。)
15、The dogs were straining at the leash ,eager to get to the park.(几条狗用力拽着皮带,急于要去公园。)
16、Arty sneered at the crowd ofeager faces around him.(阿蒂对周围满脸热切的人们报以冷笑。)
17、Haig was desperatelyeager for an affirmative answer.(黑格极渴望得到一个肯定的回答。)
18、The White House iseager to protect and enhance that reputation.(白宫急于保护并提高那声望。)
19、He was aseager as his Captain to beat the record.(他和他的队长一样渴望打破纪录。)
20、They areeager to help with conservation efforts.(他们渴望为这项保护工作出力。)
21、He waseager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts.(他渴望回到更具企业家性质的角色,这样他的努力就跟自己有大的金融利害关系。)
22、He waseager to communicate his ideas to the group.(他急于把他的想法传达给小组。)
23、She's always veryeager to please.(她总是急欲取悦别人。)
24、Valentino iseager to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions.(瓦伦蒂诺渴望看到名人们在盛大场合展示他的服装。)
25、Robert waseager to talk about life in the Army.(罗伯特渴望谈论军旅生活。)
26、Everyone in the class seemedeager to learn.(班上每个人似乎都热爱学习。)
27、He thus avoided a pack of journalistseager to question him.(他就这样避开了一群急于向他提问的记者。)
28、Some of us were confident andeager to take part in the class activity.(我们中的一些人充满信心,渴望参加班级活动。)