1、I was embarrassed how to punish him when I discovered his part in the business: he's such a cobweb, a pinch wouldannihilate him.(当我发现他参与了这件事时,我不知道该如何惩罚他才好:他是一个蜘蛛网,一抓就要使他消亡。)
2、Are you allowed toannihilate your trees if you're just renting?(如果你只是租户的话,你可以砍伐树木吗?)
3、The problem is that whenever antimatter comes into contact with regular matter, the twoannihilate.(反物质一旦接触到普通物质,两者即会同时湮灭。)
4、This is a what kind of union? BE who straight them to come toannihilate ours?(这是一个什么样的组织?是谁指使他们来杀我们的?)
5、When a particle encounters its antiparticle, they "annihilate" each other, disappearing in a high-energy flash of light.(当一个粒子遇到它的反物质的时候,他们会湮灭彼此,同时放出夺目的高能闪光。)
6、These positrons then come into contact with electrons in the body, and the twoannihilate, releasing two gamma-ray photons.(正电子与人体组织中的电子发生作用而湮灭,产生两个伽玛射线光子。) (hao86.com好工具)
7、The human race has enough weapons toannihilate itself.(人类有足够的武器灭绝自己。)
8、When matter and antimatter meet, theyannihilate, converting their mass into energy in a powerful explosion.(当物质和反物质相遇时,它们就会自动湮灭,并在强大的爆炸中把它们的质量转换成能量。)
9、Matter and antimatter, as is well known,annihilate each other on contact.(众所周知,物质和反物质在相互接触时会湮灭对方。)
10、I willannihilate him and everything that he loves!(我会歼灭他,还有他的所爱!)
11、Modem humans, Martin said, created havoc as they spread through the Americas, wielding spears toannihilate animals that had never faced a technological predator.(马丁说,现代人类在美洲繁衍的过程中对当地造成了严重破坏,他们向动物投掷长矛并杀害他们,而那些动物从未见过带有这些技术的捕食者。)
12、So the pharaoh enlists all of the people toannihilate the Israelites by drowning all newborn males in the Nile River.(法老便召集了所有人民歼灭以色列人,将男婴溺死在尼罗河中。)
13、That cynical calculation lies behind the design of many weapons that are intended to incapacitate rather thanannihilate.(许多武器在设计时就运用了这种乖张的算计思维,它们的目的不是消灭敌人而是使敌人丧失作战能力。)
14、Bring the two together and theyannihilate each other in a flash of energy.(把这两种物质放在一起,它们瞬间就会湮灭而化为能量。)
15、A person with no moral and spiritual development has no sound and advanced mentality toannihilate these defilement.(一个没有道德和精神修行的人没有判断力和高度智能来消除这些烦恼。)
16、It is to exhaust your critical thinking, toannihilate truth.(它还要摧毁审辩式思维,要消灭真相。)
17、Facts show that we must fight andannihilate the three evil forces resolutely and thoroughly.(事实告诉我们,对这些恶势力,要坚决打击,除恶务尽。)
18、None of the various contenders for power and influence has an obvious ability toannihilate all the others.(在争夺势力和影响力的各股力量中,没有一支力量明显具备消除其所有它力量的实力。)
19、It's true that when matter and antimatter meet, they doannihilate in a big explosion and convert their mass to energy.(这是真的,当物质和反物质相遇时,它们会在大爆炸相互湮灭,然后把它们的质量转换为能量。)
20、This also explains why matter and antimatterannihilate.(这也解释了为什么物质与反物质会消失。)
21、One notion regarding dark matter particles suggests they have antiparticles, meaning theyannihilate each other on contact.(一种关于暗物质颗粒的观点认为:暗物质颗粒本身存在反粒子,这意味着它们互相接触后互相自行抵消。)
22、When particles and anti-particles collide, theyannihilate each other in a small flash of energy.(当粒子和反粒子相撞,他们在一小股能量闪烁后彼此湮灭。)
23、Positron and electron (particle and anti-particle) canannihilate in collision turning into electromagnetic radiation.(正电子和电子(粒子和反粒子)在对撞中会发生湮灭,并产生电磁辐射。)
24、A real or virtual photon may spontaneouslyannihilate.(一个实的或虚的光子可以自发地湮没。)
25、When the fragile dust grains collide, they canannihilate each other, he said.(库切纳表示,当易碎的尘埃颗粒相互碰撞时会彼此湮灭。)
26、You have just one chance toannihilate the hoards of incoming enemies that speed towards the planet.(你仅仅有一偶然发生消灭收入的贮藏物敌人对于行星的速度。)
27、Nirvana is definitely no annihilation of self, because there is no self toannihilate.(涅槃绝对没有自我消灭的意思,因为没有自我可以消灭。)