1、Thedestruction of their natural homes could be the next DDT causing eagle numbers to drop quickly.(对它们自然家园的破坏可能是下一种杀虫剂,从而导致鹰的数量迅速下降。)
2、Evidence points to hunting by humans and habitatdestruction as the likely causes for the current mass extinction.(有证据表明,人类的捕猎和栖息地的破坏可能是导致当前物种大量灭绝的原因。)
3、Many commentators take the view that nothing can be done to reverse thedestruction already caused to the natural world.(许多评论家认为,已经对自然界造成的破坏是无法逆转的。)
4、The moai, he thinks, accelerated the self-destruction.(他认为,摩埃加速了自我毁灭。)
5、On a more global level, thedestruction of the rainforest for full-sun coffee fields also threatens human life.(在更全球化的层面上,为种植全日照的咖啡田而破坏雨林也威胁到了人类的生存。)
6、The first episode is the real first episode, which tells about thedestruction of the earth.(第一集就是真正的第一集,讲述了地球的毁灭。)
7、It's standing in the path of what Schumpeter called a gale of creativedestruction.(它正站在熊彼特称为“创造性毁灭的飓风”的道路上。)
8、It is vital that we act to stop thedestruction of the rainforests.(至关紧要的是,我们应当采取行动制止破坏雨林。)
9、They are only doing what is necessary to prevent wholesaledestruction of vegetation.(他们只是在做为防止植被遭大规模破坏而必须做的事情。)
10、The tornado'sdestruction two Sundays ago was so absolute in some areas of this city.(两周前的龙卷风对这个城市的一些地区造成了绝对的破坏。)
11、Local economies, domestic water supplies, and certain types of recreation all would be severely impacted bydestruction of these dams.(当地的经济、生活用水供应和某些类型的娱乐活动都将受到这些大坝破坏的严重影响。)
12、This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continueddestruction of the landscape.(这笔交易只不过是对自然景观持续破坏行为的遮掩而已。)
13、Actually, Volcanoes aren't that sneaky and this type ofdestruction is very unlikely.(事实上,火山并没有那么可怕,这种类型的破坏是不太可能发生的。)
14、You hear reports of death anddestruction all over the country, and all you can think is that you hope LA is okay.(你听到遍布全国各地的死亡和毁灭的报道,所有你能想到的就是希望洛杉矶没事。) hAo86.com
15、Today, the scar ofdestruction is still seen.(今天,破坏的的伤痕依然可见。)
16、Luke is writing after thedestruction of Jerusalem because he tells you it happens.(路加是在耶路撒冷被摧毁后写的,因为他告诉你这件事发生了。)
17、He went tearing around the house again spreading chaos anddestruction in his path.(他在屋子里到处乱闯,所到之处,一片混乱和破坏。)
18、We need to know what aspects of a community are most important to the community's resistance todestruction, as well as its recovery.(我们必须了解对群落抵抗、破坏和恢复来说哪些是最重要的。)
19、Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution anddestruction.(留给子孙后代的将是环境的污染与破坏。)
20、Erosion, of course, is one of the key reasons for itsdestruction, but human activity is also increasingly responsible.(当然,侵蚀是造成其破坏的主要原因之一,但人类活动应承担的责任也越来越大。)
21、The bank has done this even though its advisors say the dam will cause hardship for the powerless and environmentaldestruction.(尽管世界银行的顾问说大坝会给弱势群体带来困难,破坏环境,但世界银行还是这样做了。)
22、We all moan and groan about the loss of the quality of life through thedestruction of our ecology.(我们都抱怨由于生态破坏造成的生活质量下降。)
23、destruction of the environment is one of the most serious challenges we face.(环境的破坏是我们所面临的最严峻的挑战之一。)
24、I could see the trail ofdestruction I had left in the woods.(我能看到我在树林里留下的破坏痕迹。)
25、To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter: there is no radical innovation without creativedestruction.(伟大的社会科学家约瑟夫·熊彼特曾说过一句话,大意是:没有创造性的破坏,就没有彻底的创新。)
26、destruction of old material and formation of new material are thus in permanent dynamic equilibrium.(因此,旧材料的破坏和新材料的形成处于永久的动态平衡状态。)
27、In the poem he laments thedestruction of the countryside.(在那首诗里他对乡村遭到的破坏流露出悲哀。)
28、If thedestruction is extreme, mail addressed to the area will get sent elsewhere.(如果破坏非常严重,寄往该地区的邮件将被送往其他地方。)