1、articulate your words, regardless of your natural speaking style.(说话清晰,不要关心自己天然的说话风格。)
2、Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase, he is revealed as a twisted butarticulate antagonist.(他不是简单的追逐中的猎物,而是一个扭曲但清晰的对手。)
3、His opponent will be younger, morearticulate and better funded.(他的竞争对手比他更年轻,更雄辩,更有资金支持。)
4、For you, that's remarkablyarticulate and full of emotion.(对你而言这是相当明确、激动的。)
5、They didn't reallyarticulate any position regarding the actual business plan.(对于实际的商业计划,他们并没有明确地表达任何立场。)
6、He is polished, charming,articulate, and an excellent negotiator.(他举止幽雅、富有魅力、善于表达,是个杰出的谈判者。)
7、She is clearly the mostarticulate and self-possessed member of her family.(显然,她是全家口才最好、最沉着冷静的人。)
8、After the injury the bones did notarticulate as well as before.(受伤后骨的关节不如以前连接得好。)
9、These courses are designed toarticulate with university degrees.(这些课程旨在与大学学位接轨。)
10、articulate speech is very important.(清楚的表达能力是非常重要的。)
11、Propose andarticulate intelligent alternatives to the status quo.(提出并且阐述可以替代现状的合情合理的其他可能。)
12、We esteem the highlyarticulate or logical people of our culture.(我们尊重我们文化中能够高度精确或逻辑的阐明事理的人物。)
13、Zeno of Citium in turn adapted the ethics of Cynicism toarticulate Stoicism.(基提翁的芝诺反过来又将犬儒主义的伦理学用于表达斯多葛主义。)
14、Mary and Joyce, they were differently because we nowarticulate that.(玛丽和乔伊斯之所以与众不同,是因为我们宣扬他们的事迹。)
15、It Makes You Morearticulate.(它能使你更善于表达。) Hao86.com
16、All we could hear were loud sobs, but noarticulate words.(我们听到的只是大声啜泣,没有清楚的话语。)
17、He's clever andarticulate and has a conscience.(他聪明善言还有良知。)
18、The president has been accused of failing toarticulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.(总统被指责没能清楚地表述对外交事务的总体设想。)
19、Clearly Define andarticulate the Customer benefits.(定义并明确客户获得的好处。)
20、You have lackedarticulate speech.(你缺少清晰流利的言辞。)
21、Your speech must be clear andarticulate, with correct grammar.(你的演讲必须清晰明了,语法正确。)
22、It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do isarticulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.(这也是为什么当我们试图用语言描述音乐时,我们所能做的只是表达我们对音乐的反应,而不是领会音乐本身。)
23、She struggled toarticulate her thoughts.(她竭力表明她的想法。)
24、He was too drunk toarticulate properly.(他醉得连话都说不清楚。)
25、We sort of all know this intuitively but can wearticulate why?(我们可能会通过直觉分辨,但是我们能不能清晰地道出原因呢)
26、Grant isarticulate and funny.(格兰特讲话清晰而有趣。)
27、She is anarticulate young woman.(她是个善表达的年轻女子。)
28、If you understand the material and have the ability toarticulate your thoughts, they should be a breeze.(如果你了解材料并且有能力表达你的思想,那就应该是轻而易举的事了。)