
更新时间:2025-01-05 12:15:25



  • 1、Some plants are woody in type—an adaptation designed to prevent collapse of the planttissue when water stress produces wilting.(有些植物是木本植物,这是一种适应性的设计,以防止植物组织萎缩时,水分胁迫产生萎蔫。)
  • 2、Dissecting means you are using scissors to open up layers oftissue, called fascial planes, to get to the kidney.(解剖意味着你要用剪刀打开名叫筋膜层的组织直至肾脏。分离这些组织层次,)
  • 3、This has wiped 6% off the value of the softtissue paper market in the UK.(这使英国柔纸巾的市场价值被抹除了6%。)
  • 4、A developmental biologist andtissue engineer, Dr. Mironov, is one of only a few scientists worldwide involved in bioengineering "cultured" meat.(米罗诺夫博士是发展生物学家和组织工程师,是世界上少数的几位参与生物工程“培养”肉类的科学家之一。)
  • 5、If you really needed to take out a lot oftissue, the cancer had, in all probability, already spread through the system.(如果你真的需要取出很多组织,癌症很可能已经蔓延到了整个系统。)
  • 6、This special fattytissue, the only other place is found in the dolphin, is in the lower jaw.(而在海豚身上的其他地方,唯一发现有这种特殊的脂肪组织的地方就是下颌。)
  • 7、The melon is kind of a large sac-like pouch, made up of fattissue.(甜瓜是一种大的囊状袋子,由脂肪组织构成。)
  • 8、You see, adult female birds during egg production produce a layer of spongy bonetissue inside certain long bones.(你看,成年雌鸟在产蛋的过程中会在某些长骨内产生一层海绵状的骨组织。)
  • 9、Insulin accumulates in muscletissue and enters the bloodstream, allowing it to circulate throughout the body.(胰岛素会在肌肉组织中累积并进入血液,使其在全身循环。)
  • 10、They stain the mouse's braintissue, so that different kinds of synapses show up in different colors.(他们对老鼠的脑组织进行染色,这样不同种类的突触就可以呈现不同颜色。)
  • 11、Once gangrene has developed, thetissue is dead, and the only hope is to contain the damage.(一旦出现坏疽,组织就会坏死,那么惟一的希望就是抑制其损害。)
  • 12、The scientist confirmed the snake was a previously unknown species after conducting a genetic analysis oftissue samples.(在对组织样本进行基因分析后,科学家确认这条蛇是一个此前不为人知的物种。)
  • 13、tissue that is removed during the operation is checked for signs of malignancy.(手术过程中切除的组织用于诊断疾病是否为恶性。)
  • 14、As we age we lose muscletissue.(随着年纪的增大,我们会失去一些肌肉组织。)
  • 15、Government scientists have succeeded in isolating from mouse leukemiatissue another agent which has produced salivary gland cancers in mice.(政府科学家已经成功地从小鼠白血病组织中分离出另一种诱发小鼠唾液腺癌的物质。)
  • 16、They tested the men's fitness and resting metabolic rates and took samples of their blood and fattissue.(他们测试了男子的体能和静止代谢率,并采集了他们的血液和脂肪组织样本。)
  • 17、This fattissue has some rather fascinating acoustical properties.(这个脂肪组织具有相当独特的声学特征。)
  • 18、The two drugs work hand in hand to combat the disease and help to repair damaged cells andtissue.(这两种药物携手合作,共同对抗疾病,帮助修复受损的细胞和组织。)
  • 19、The cat plays withtissue.(猫咪玩着纸巾。)
  • 20、This spongytissue serves as a source of calcium for eggshell formation.(这种海绵状组织是形成蛋壳的钙质来源。)
  • 21、They have evolved special "heaters" of modified muscletissue that warm the eyes and brain, maintaining peak performance of these critical organs.(它们进化出了一种特殊的“加热器”,由经过改造的肌肉组织构成,可以温暖眼睛和大脑,使这些关键器官保持最佳状态。)
  • 22、They are commanding robot surgeons to cut awaytissue more accurately than human surgeons can.(他们指挥机器人外科医生比人类外科医生更精确地切除组织。)
  • 23、Carnivorous plants are, in fact, very inefficient at converting sunlight intotissue.(事实上,食肉植物在将阳光转化为组织方面效率很低。)
  • 24、They had rummaged around his thorax, trying to get close to the arrowhead and thetissue around it.(他们对他的胸腔周围进行了仔细的检查,试图靠近箭头及其周围的组织。)
  • 25、After the death of an organism, the softtissue is ordinarily consumed by scavengers and bacteria.(有机体死亡后,其软组织通常被清道夫和细菌所吞噬。)
  • 26、Much like a newt that has lost a limb, these mice will replace missing or damagedtissue with healthytissue that lacks any sign of scarring.(就像一只失去了肢体的蝾螈,这些老鼠将用没有任何疤痕迹象的健康组织代替缺失或受损的组织。)
  • 27、Thetissue and cartilage of a nose are too soft to fossilize.(鼻部的组织和软骨结构太软,无法形成化石。)
  • 28、In the cells of the human body itself, in the cells of every organ, of almost every type oftissue in the body, the same thing will happen eventually.(在人体自身的细胞中、在每个器官的细胞中、在人体几乎每一种组织中,同样的事情最终都会发生。) [hao86.com好工具]



英 [ˈtɪʃu:] 美 [ˈtɪʃu] 
形容词: tissuey

