1、The early hominid, whichantedate the appearence of Australopithecus robustus in the archaeological record, engaged in simple tool behavior.(粗壮南猿以前的人科成员具有简单工具行为的能力。)
2、To place a prior date on a legal document, statement or check. Also calledantedate.(在法定文件、报表或支票上填一个以前的日期,又称提前日期。) haO86.com
3、To precede in time;antedate.(先于时间上先于…;)
4、To make this cheque legal, you shouldantedate it by 7days.(为了使你的支票有效,你必须把日期提前7天。)
5、All this is not toantedate the demise of the empire.(这一切不会使帝国提前衰亡。)