


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:02:01



  • 1、Experts predict that similar fuelsurcharge hikes will affect other forms of transport.(专家预言,类似的燃油附加费上涨将影响到其他交通工具。)
  • 2、"The renewable energysurcharge should not exceed current levels," Merkel said in the Bundestag.(“可再生能源附加费不应超过目前的水平”,默克尔在联邦议院说到。)
  • 3、Messrs Shultz and Dam argue that the importsurcharge was intended as “an attention-getter and a bargaining chip”.(舒尔茨和戴姆认为进口附加税可以作为警示的标志和讨价还价的筹码。)
  • 4、The government introduced a 15%surcharge on imports.(政府推出了15%的进口附加费。)
  • 5、US Airways this month brought back a domestic fuelsurcharge and increased its fuelsurcharge for transatlantic flights.(合众国航空本月重新收取国内燃油附加费,并对跨大西洋航班的燃油附加费进行了上调。)
  • 6、The ticket cost 520 yuan, but she had to pay an additional 140 yuan for the fuelsurcharge.(票价是520元,但是她必须为燃油附加费多付140元。)
  • 7、To pay for this, a $2.50 monthlysurcharge will go on electricity bills.(为了做到这点,用电居民每月将多付$2.50美金的特别费。)
  • 8、Complex domestic fuelsurcharge levy no exact information, domestic route has higher ticket prices.(国内燃油附加费复征尚无确切消息,国内各条航线机票价格却已上扬。) hAo86.com
  • 9、Fares keep jumping: airlines have just added anothersurcharge to cover higher fuel costs.(票价持续上调,航空公司刚刚增加燃油附加费,用以支付高额的燃油成本。)
  • 10、What is thesurcharge on this express letter, please?(请问这封快信的附加费是多少?)
  • 11、Companies with less lobbying power, however, are required to pay thesurcharge.(而更少游说力量的公司却被要求支付附加费。)
  • 12、Do you know who should pay Trade Effluentsurcharge (" TES ")?(您知道何人应付“工商业污水附加费”吗?)
  • 13、The Economist has previously argued that the capitalsurcharge on the largest Banks is inadequate.(《经济学人》过去就曾争辩过,认为最大银行的资本额外费不妥。)
  • 14、Twenty dollar deceptionsurcharge!(附加二十块的欺骗费。)
  • 15、It includes asurcharge for night driving.(还包括夜间行车的附加费。)
  • 16、B: We demand asurcharge of 80 cents for it.(我们另外收80美分的超重费。)
  • 17、Trips after 11pm will start at 18 yuan, including the fuelsurcharge, compared to the current 16 yuan.(晚上11点之后,起步价由16元调整至18元,其中包含燃油附加费。)
  • 18、The load factor for live loadsurcharge is the same for both vertical and horizontal load effects.(就竖向和水平荷载效应而言,活载超载的荷载系数相同。)
  • 19、Weigh your bike - if you're over the allowance weight you may be stung with a largesurcharge.(给自行车称重——若重量超过限额,你可能会花费一大笔超额费用。)
  • 20、An even larger share backed a 5 per cent taxsurcharge on millionaires - something proposed by Mr Obama.(而对于对百万富翁增税5%的提议,支持比例甚至更高——该提议由奥巴马提出。)



英 [ˈsɜ:tʃɑ:dʒ] 美 [ˈsɜ:rtʃɑ:rdʒ] 
过去式: surcharged 过去分词: surcharged 现在分词: surcharging 第三人称单数: surcharges

