更新时间:2024-08-27 12:01:25
change hands造句
- 1、Treasury bills are the secondary market, easy tochange hands, can be converted into cash at any time, high credibility.(国库券有广大的二级市场,易手方便,随时可以变现,信誉高。)
- 2、Millions of dollars, pounds and euroschange hands every night at poker tables around the world and on dozens of poker websites.(每晚在扑克赌桌和许多扑克网站上,都会有数以百万计的美元,欧元,英镑辗转易手。)
- 3、Millions of dollars canchange hands through the rapid decisions investors make based on industry news.(投资者根据行业新闻而迅速作出相应的决策,数百万美元就会因此而转手。)
- 4、The document is clear: wads of cash may notchange hands in return for poor motherless mites.(这份文件很清楚地表明:不准用大把的现金去购买离开母亲怀抱的小可怜们。)
- 5、The amounts are much larger to facilitate income-tax refunds, where the standard “charge” is 10%; sums between 5, 000 and 50, 000 rupeeschange hands.(所得税退税“标准”收取10%,实际远远不止这些,易手费五千至五万卢比不等。)
- 6、Xing Ma's dicast, just substituted Zou some dress a wound, the blood stain on thechange hands hadn't purged.(一名姓马的市民,刚刚替邹某包扎伤口,手上的血迹尚未清洗。)
- 7、For example, the Tories are thought to be doing better in the marginals, the seats most likely tochange hands, than in the country as a whole.(比如说,保守党被认为会在边缘地带,也就是最易换手的席位上做得更好,而不是全国。)
- 8、If a domain name doeschange hands, then it's best to only assign tag URIs 48 hours before or after the switch to remove all doubt about the ownership.(如果域名真的换了主人,最好在交割前后48小时以外分配标签uri,以免出现所有权的纷争。)
- 9、Because of the huge amounts of money thatchange hands in the mining and natural-gas business, it is hard to imagine that this will change anytime soon.(由于在采矿和天然气的转手业务中可以赚到大笔的金钱,很难想像这一切会很快改变。)
- 10、In fact, the only emerging pattern is one of wildly see-sawing fortunes, as coastal townschange hands with almost metronomic regularity.(事实上,这种出现的模式只是双方失控的拉锯战之一,因为沿海城镇掌控权易主几乎与钟摆一样规律的摆荡。)
- 11、He listened carefully as Yancey explained that the living donor had to be a genetic match. And that no money couldchange hands, that it is illegal to sell body parts.(可是扬西说那些捐献者在基因上是必须符合,而且不能牵涉到金钱交易,贩卖人体器官是违法的。)
- 12、Doris: : I have a credit card on file. No cash willchange hands. Look, here's our driver. Hello, Michael.(桃乐丝:我有一个信用卡文件。没有现金易手。看,这是我们的司机。你好,迈克尔。)
- 13、Now, no territory wouldchange hands, but it would help fulfil some of the perquisites for forming Germany.(现在,没有领土的改变,但这可以帮助你实现一些成立德国的要求。)
- 14、In a stricken euro-zone country, it wouldchange hands at a discount to the remaining euros in circulation, foreshadowing the devaluation to come.(在阴云弥漫的欧元区国家,它会以比仍在流通的欧元更低的折扣易手,这是通缩降临的预兆。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 15、Nothing is valued in monetary terms as you do now, and in fact money does notchange hands at all.(而且金钱价值体系也不会像你们今天这样存在,而且事实就是金钱根本不会转手。)
- 16、Information about people's moment-to-moment thoughts and actions, as revealed by their online activity, canchange hands quickly.(人们在线活动所泄露出的瞬时性想法和行为的信息,很快就被转手交易。)
- 17、Then, repay a beardchange hands to hold wine cup and overture to toast vs general view once, this course square tells end.(然后,还须手持酒杯与提议干杯者对视一下,这一过程方告结束。)
- 18、Yet supply-chain audits are far from rigorous because the mineralschange hands so many times on the way to the market.(无法对供应链进行严格审计的一个主要原因在于矿产在中途被多次转手了。)
- 19、United Kingdom 10, released a survey, 15% of British respondents in the TV remote control, failure case, too lazy tochange hands sets.(英国10日公布一项调查结果显示,15%的英国受访者在电视机遥控器失灵情况下,懒得动手换台。)
- 20、The behind-the-back dribble is used tochange hands and go past a defender overplaying on the right (left).(背后运球用于当防守右脚(左脚)在前领防时,换手突破防守。)
- 21、A dozen House seats there maychange hands. Here, too, the campaigns have turned nasty.(这两个州在众议院的数十个议席已经易主,而且这里的选情也同样变得很糟糕。)
- 22、The painting couldchange hands for about$2,000 and if he played it right he could get a commission from both parties.(这幅画可以2,000美元的价钱易手,如果他干得精明,他可以从双方那各得到一笔佣金。)
- 23、The man wants to pull the lady'schange hands, love hold the hand each other of the hill path ups China.(男士要拉着女士的手,爱就在互相牵手的山路上升华。)
- 24、The opportunities for envelopes stuffed with banknotes tochange hands are thus minimised.(于是,将塞满钞票的信封交给考官的机会被减至最低。)
- 25、You know today's you is the most fine uxor, never make bride'schange hands in thechange hands held a flower and easily rear the tension of a heart.(你知道今天自己是最美丽的女人,可千万别让手中的新娘手捧花,轻易显露出内心的紧张。)
- 26、Bank purchases using money, then sell the house reserves tochange hands.(用银行的钱买房,再把房子储备着倒手卖。)
- 27、Sprigs of mint, red coils of lotus root and bundles of knotted cabbagechange hands for a few rupees, tossed from one boatman's lap to another.(薄荷叶,红藕圈,卷菜捆,卖了几个卢比,菜便从一个船家身上抛到另一个船家身上。)