
put aside造句

put aside造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 12:23:16


put aside造句

  • 1、He'sput aside a tidy sum for his retirement.(他存了一笔相当可观的钱以备退休之用。)
  • 2、put aside some of the more emotional elements that language always engenders.(把一些感情因素放在一边,语言总会产生的。)
  • 3、The teachers in the program described how they found it difficult toput aside the immediate demands of others in order to give themselves the time they needed to develop their reflective skills.(参加这个项目的老师们描述了他们是如何发现自己很难把他人的即时需求放在一边,以便有足够的时间来增强自己的反思技能。) hao86.com
  • 4、The man hasput aside some of the showier antics in his repertoire.(这个人在他的表演项目中已经抛弃了一些花哨的滑稽动作。)
  • 5、The trivial issues areput aside.(微不足道的小事情可以放在一边。)
  • 6、They decided toput aside their differences.(他们决定搁置双方的分歧。)
  • 7、Iput aside my uneasiness and said, "We need to put the landing gear down now!"(我把不安放在一边,说:”我们现在需要放下起落架!“)
  • 8、But until rates are high again,put aside short-term thinking. Think long-term.(除非利率再一次升高,现在放下短期投资吧。考虑长期投资。)
  • 9、As a child I loved to draw. But because of my job, Iput aside drawing.(从小时候起我就酷爱画画,但由于工作原因,我将画画弃置一边。)
  • 10、But they have toput aside their scientist hats.(可他们必须把科学家的帽子扔一边去。)
  • 11、It means we need toput aside our differences to do what's right for the country.(也意味着我们必须抛开我们之间的差别而做为我们国家该做的事。)
  • 12、Insurance premiums are like moneyput aside for a rainy day.(缴保费像是为未来急用而预留的一笔钱。)
  • 13、If this target is unrealistic - thenput aside whatever you can - every little bit helps.(如果这个目标还是不切实际——那么,存下你能够存的——一点点也会有帮助。)
  • 14、I'm going toput aside for the moment the question of sign languages and how they work.(我想暂时把手语,及其如何作用的问题先放到一边?)
  • 15、She wants to know whether the money that'sput aside will actually improve lives.(她想知道存钱是否真的可以改善生活。)
  • 16、put aside all the clothes you don't wear and give them to charity.(把不穿的衣服放到一边,捐给慈善机构。)
  • 17、Iput aside half an hour every day to write my diary.(我每天留出半个小时写日记。)
  • 18、Savings: Try toput aside at least 15% of your income for savings.(设法至少存下你收入的15%。)
  • 19、This time Microsoft hasput aside any complacency.(这次微软把自鸣得意抛到了一边。)
  • 20、As soon as he saw me he wouldput aside his work and begin to talk to me.(他一见我就把工作放在一边,开始和我谈话。)
  • 21、We are rediscovering Dewey and Montessori and a lot of the practices that they pioneered that have been forgotten or at leastput aside.(我们正在重新研究杜威和蒙台梭利,和他们开创的许多被遗忘或至少被搁置的惯例。)
  • 22、Relax, orput aside, Your routines.(放松,或搁在一边,常规。)

put aside基本释义

put aside

英 [put əˈsaid] 美 [pʊt əˈsaɪd] 
储存; 保留; 撇开