
更新时间:2024-12-22 12:18:40



  • 1、That experience had made mefret about this meeting.(那次经历让我对这次会面多少有些不安。)
  • 2、Liberalsfret, too, that Islamists will let their multiple wives vote, swelling conservative ranks.(自由派也担心伊斯兰教徒让他们的多名妻子投票,从而扩大保守派的地位。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、Don'tfret, there's hope.(别再烦恼了。)
  • 4、Don't let sorrowfret away your courage.(可不能让悲伤挫伤了你的勇气。)
  • 5、As she spoke we could see that she was in afret.(她讲话时,我们看得出她很烦躁。)
  • 6、Somefret that there will not be enough jobs to go around.(一些人担忧,工作岗位将不足。)
  • 7、The weariness, the fever, and thefret.(忘记这疲劳、热病和焦躁。)
  • 8、Some Australiansfret more about the effect of turbines on humans.(一些澳大利亚人更担心的是,发电机对人类的危害。)
  • 9、Needless to say, investors have every reason tofret.(不用说,投资者完全有理由担心。)
  • 10、If it's out of your control, whyfret about it?(如果某件事你控制不了,那为什么还要为它而烦恼呢?)
  • 11、And you'll needfret no more about folders congesting your screen.(你也不必再烦恼有太多的文件夹壅塞在你的屏幕上。)
  • 12、Don'tfret!(别为这个发愁!)
  • 13、Babies oftenfret (themselves) when their mothers are not near.(婴儿常常因母亲不在身边而哭闹。)
  • 14、Environmentalistsfret about the petroleum needed to make it.(环保人士对生产所需的石油感到担忧。)
  • 15、Somefret that things could get even worse.(一些人担心事情甚至会进一步恶化。)
  • 16、SHOULD youfret more about inflation or deflation?(你更担心通货膨胀还是通货紧缩?)
  • 17、Countries downstream have genuine reasons tofret.(下游各国有充分的理由苦恼。)
  • 18、But that doesn't mean women don'tfret over it.(但这并不意味着女人们可以对此事无须担忧。)
  • 19、And the family no longerfret about the safety of their food.(她的家人再也不用担心食品的安全问题了。)
  • 20、Ifret about the past, the present, the future.(过去、现在和将来更让我烦躁不堪。)
  • 21、Investors nowfret about the solvency of bigger countries.(投资者现在还在担忧大国的偿付能力。)
  • 22、"You really needn'tfret, Ratty," added the Badger placidly.(“你真的不必烦恼,鼠仔。”獾子班杰平静地补充道。)
  • 23、Her baby starts tofret as soon as she goes out of the room.(她一走出房间,婴儿就躁动起来。)
  • 24、If not, don'tfret.(如果不是,请不要担心。)
  • 25、Yet the Chinese continue tofret about the Needham question.(然而,中国人仍然在继续思考李·约瑟难题。)
  • 26、But congressional staffersfret that the project will eventually cost billions more.(但国会的工作人员们担心这个方案最终会多花几十亿。)



英 [fret] 美 [frɛt] 
过去式: fretted 过去分词: fretted 现在分词: fretting 第三人称单数: frets


