
behind time造句

behind time造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 12:20:23


behind time造句

  • 1、The train is runningbehind time today.(火车今天误点了。)
  • 2、The train isbehind time.(这趟火车晚点了。)
  • 3、For the second experiment, Baker told the subjects that they would be stared at from time to time from behind in a laboratory setting.(在第二个实验中,Baker告诉实验对象,他们在实验室里会被不时地从后面盯着看。)
  • 4、The plane was an hourbehind time .(班机误点一小时。)
  • 5、I feel as if something's behind me all the time.(我总觉得好像有什么东西一直在我身后。)
  • 6、Many of us live our lives runningbehind time, but we only reach it when we die of a heart attack or in a car accident rushing to be on time.(我们很多人的生活就像在与时间赛跑,但我们只有在死亡——或者因为心脏病发作,或者因为由于匆忙赶时间而发生的车祸——的时候才能赶上它。)
  • 7、The clock isbehind time.(那座钟慢了五分。)
  • 8、And indeed, that's the idea (first proposed by Robert Berner as early as 1957)behind time-sharing.(实际上,这正是分时(time-sharing)的基本思想(由robertBerner在1957年提出)。)
  • 9、We are not runningbehind time as usual, and we must start to work on time.(我们不会像以往那样总是延误时间,我们必须准时开工。)
  • 10、The train is five minutesbehind time .(火车误点五分钟。)
  • 11、But experts say Japan is unique in that sales have been decreasing steadilybehind time.(但专家表示,日本的独特之处在于其销售一直在有延迟地稳步下降。)
  • 12、NowI know I ambehind time so much in fact.(此时我知道我背后的时间太多。)
  • 13、He's runningbehind time as usual. No wonder the teacher criticized him again.(跟往常一样他又来晚了,难怪老师又批评了他。)
  • 14、But that looked risky, and we were already runningbehind time.(然而这是非常冒险,以及我们损失很多时间。)
  • 15、Beingbehind time; slow.(落后于某时间的;)
  • 16、The train will be about ten minutesbehind time.(这班火车大约晚点10分钟。)
  • 17、So you say, consul, 'asked he for the twentieth time,' that this steamer is neverbehind time?(“领事先生,您说这条船不会脱班吗?”这句话他已经问过好几遍了。)
  • 18、The changes, company executives say, leavebehind time-consuming formalities that separate users from what they crave: instant conversation.(该公司主管说,这些改变铲除了一些阻碍,让用户获得他们真正想要的:即时的交谈。)
  • 19、He was late for school because the bus was ten minutesbehind time.(他上学迟到了是因为公共汽车迟到了十分钟。)
  • 20、If you live in NY, you live as if you are alwaysbehind time. You walk fast, you work hard, just to catch up with time.(如果你生活在纽约,你的生活方式就好象你处处都落后于时间,你非得加快脚步,努力工作,仿佛永远也赶不上时间。)
  • 21、Construction was graduallybehind time schedule. I though that this chapel might be completed without any roof.(工程渐渐地拉下了进度。能否完成这座礼拜党我完全保证不了。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 22、From behind her, as if he could read her thoughts, Benny said, "You're free to go any time you like, Madame."(从她身后,好像他可以看透她的想法,本尼说道,“你什么时候想走都可以,夫人。”)
  • 23、The train was 10 minutesbehind time.(火车晚到了十分钟。)
  • 24、You're always in time for meals andbehind time for work.(你吃饭总是准时而工作总是迟到。)
  • 25、If partition time is predictedbehind time, nodes in partitioned group cannot receive some important messages.(如果网络分区在预测的指定时间后发生,那么被分区的组群就不能接收到一些重要信息。)
  • 26、In purchase, there are payment states ahead of time orbehind time.(在采购中,常产生提前支付贷款或延期支付货款的现象。)

behind time基本释义

behind time

英 [biˈhaind taim] 美 [bɪˈhaɪnd taɪm] 



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