
更新时间:2025-01-05 12:20:23



  • 1、It happens tocoincide with the 100th anniversary of Marie Curie's Nobel Prize in Chemistry.(它正好和居里夫人获得诺贝尔化学奖100周年相一致。)
  • 2、Does your due datecoincide with a major project deadline?(你的预产期是否与某个重要的项目冲突?)
  • 3、And yet Iran is also one of many examples of how Russian and American interests shouldcoincide.(伊朗问题是俄美利益交汇的许多例子之一。)
  • 4、The interests of employers and employees do not alwayscoincide.(雇主和雇员的利益并不总是一致的。)
  • 5、Change the bean properties tocoincide with your subscription.(更改该bean的属性,使其与您的订阅一致。)
  • 6、So, how often does the December full mooncoincide with the solstice?(那么,12月的满月与至日重合有多频繁呢?)
  • 7、It happened tocoincide with the NATO summit in neighbouring Latvia.(这次论坛与在邻国拉脱维亚举行的北约领导人峰会不期而遇。)
  • 8、Whether the interests of these countriescoincide with those of the wider world, though, is moot.(只是这些国家的利益是否与世界更广泛国家的利益一致还不确定。)
  • 9、He timed the election tocoincide with new measures to boost the economy.(他把选举的时间安排在振兴经济的新措施出台的时候。)
  • 10、The centres of concentric circlescoincide.(同心圆的圆心是一个。)
  • 11、In a region of conflict, it is these two peoples whose interestscoincide most closely.(在这个冲突的地区,只有利益最密切的两国人民。) (好工具
  • 12、Where aims (if not methods) are concerned, your own intuitionscoincide with mine.(如果说到目标(不包括方法的话),您的直觉与我的一样。)
  • 13、Part of goods do notcoincide with standards described in the contract.(有部分货物与合同的规格不符。)
  • 14、This is because meaningful lives don’t alwayscoincide with good ones.(为什么会这样?因为有意义的人生并非总与良善契合。)
  • 15、The kids' views on life don't alwayscoincide, but they're not afraid of voicing their opinions.(孩子们的生活观未必总是一致,但是他们不怕表达自己的观点。)
  • 16、He happened tocoincide with you on this point.(在这一问题上,他与你不谋而合。)
  • 17、The two trianglescoincide.(这两个三角形相重合。)
  • 18、Our friends in Phoenix schedule their activities tocoincide with our requirements.(我们在凤凰城的朋友根据我们的要求安排他们的活动。)
  • 19、The interests of the two sides don't alwayscoincide.(双方的利益,不总是一致的。)
  • 20、At this point the two pathscoincide briefly.(两条小路在这个地方有一小段合在了一起。)
  • 21、Minor (but not extremely minor) milestonescoincide with the delivery of major product releases.(次要(但不是极其次要)的里程碑与主要的产品版本的交付相一致。)
  • 22、But there are crucial areas where our interestscoincide, on which we must work together.(但是,也有我们利益一致、必须共同努力的关键领域。)
  • 23、Publication of his biography was timed tocoincide with his 70th birthday celebrations.(他的传记特别安排在他的70寿诞庆典时出版。)
  • 24、So, one group's interest doesn'tcoincide with the other.(因此,一个组织的利益与其他组织不相同。)
  • 25、It's a pity our trips to New York don'tcoincide.(真遗憾我们不能同一时间去纽约旅行。)
  • 26、Opening the underground corridor for the public willcoincide with the extensive restoration of the Colosseum.(向公众开放地下通道将与罗马圆形大剧场的大规模修复同时进行。)
  • 27、These are my dreams, but I hope that many of my dreams willcoincide with yours.(这是我的梦想,但我希望本人同诸位的众多梦想能够毫无二致。)



英 [ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd] 美 [ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd] 
过去式: coincided 过去分词: coincided 现在分词: coinciding 第三人称单数: coincides

