
更新时间:2024-08-27 12:00:56



  • 1、You mean I actuallycling to my fears?(你是说,我实际上是执著于我的恐惧?)
  • 2、She managed tocling on to life for another couple of years.(她顽强地又活了几年。)
  • 3、She wouldcling to the doll until she felt satisfied.(她会紧依布娃娃,直到感到满足。)
  • 4、Though she wouldcling to him, he made her stand a little longer every day.(尽管她会紧紧地抱住他,但他还是让她每天站得久一点。)
  • 5、Beads of watercling to its screen, necklaces unstrung.(水珠粘附在后门的纱屏上,就像松开了的项链珠子。)
  • 6、The cat tried tocling to the edge by its claws.(那只猫试图用爪子抓紧边沿。)
  • 7、He managed tocling on to a ledge 40 feet down the rock face.(他设法抓住了岩面下方40英尺处的岩脊。)
  • 8、All she had tocling to was her husband Mark.(她所有的依靠就是她的丈夫马克。)
  • 9、There's no reason tocling to our old ways.(我们没有理由坚持我们的老方法。)
  • 10、Even successful entrepreneurs cancling on too long.(就连成功创业的人士,有时也攥得太久了。)
  • 11、"How can you rid yourself of what youcling to"?(你怎么可能摆脱你所执著的东西?)
  • 12、As much as we would like tocling on to our past, even the saddest moments can be washed away with time.(尽管我们很想抓住过去不放,但即使是最悲伤的时刻,也会被时间冲淡。)
  • 13、Theycling to electrons quite tenaciously.(它们和电子紧紧地靠在一起。)
  • 14、But these cylinderscling together at a molecular level.(但是这些圆柱体在分子水平上是紧密结合的。)
  • 15、Theycling to the belly of their oppressor and hang on with tooth and claw.(它们紧紧地抓住猎食者的腹部,用牙齿和爪子紧紧抓住不放。)
  • 16、There will be a time when we have only memories tocling to.(别等到那一天,我们只能靠着回忆,才能坚持下去。)
  • 17、Because of Paula, I don'tcling to anything anymore.(因为女儿,我不再是那个什么事情都放不下的人。)
  • 18、She had tocling onto the door handle until the pain passed.(她不得不紧紧抓住门的把手,直到疼痛消失为止。)
  • 19、Everyone around us seems to agree by the way theycling to their phones, even without a signal on a subway.(我们周围的每个人似乎都同意,即使在地铁上没有信号,他们也会紧握手机不放。)
  • 20、Other birds unknowingly carry seeds thatcling to them for the ride.(其他鸟类不知不觉地携带着种子,这些种子附着在它们身上搭便车。)
  • 21、Despite the low rate of success at the market, parentscling to the hope that they will find a suitable match for their offspring.(尽管在市场上的成功率很低,父母们还是抱着给孩子找个合适的伴侣的希望。)
  • 22、The Buddhas love all, yet they do notcling.(佛祖爱所有人而他们并不相互拥有。)
  • 23、So he is likely tocling on until 2012.(因此他很可能继续任职到2012年为止。)
  • 24、He had one last hope tocling on to.(他还抱着最后的一线希望。)
  • 25、The British prime minister is too apt tocling to Washington's apron strings.(英国首相对华府过于唯命是从。)
  • 26、I have this theory that, to us the world is a flat thing we stand on, but to birds it is a cliff theycling to.(我有一种想法,就是对我们来说,世界是一个我们所站立的平坦的东西,而对鸟来说是一个它们所依靠的峭壁。)
  • 27、We have tocling to this belief, don't we?(我们得坚定地相信这个信念,不是么?)
  • 28、Often, opposition comes not only from the conservatives, whocling to tradition, but also from the extremist militants, who favor neither the old nor the new.(通常,反对意见不仅来自坚持传统的保守派,也来自极端主义武装分子,他们既不喜欢旧的,也不喜欢新的。)
  • 29、Since you don't like your perception of him, whycling to it?(既然你不喜欢你对他的看法,为什么还坚持这个看法呢?)
  • 30、Instead, he appears determined tocling to power.(反而,他看来坚决要握紧权力不放。)



英 [klɪŋ] 美 [klɪŋ] 
形容词: clingy 名词: clinger 过去式: clung 过去分词: clung 现在分词: clinging 第三人称单数: clings

