1、The study also revealed that 42 per cent of motorists regularlydine while driving.(研究还发现42%的汽车司机经常在开车的时候吃饭。)
2、As I was finishing my meal, an older couple came in todine.(就在快吃完的时候,一对年长的夫妇走进来用餐。)
3、WOLVESdine on moose and caribou, creatures favoured by Alaska's human hunters.(狼以北美驼鹿和驯鹿为食,这也是阿拉斯加猎人们最喜欢的猎物。)
4、After: Now, Idine in every day with a different batch of coworkers.(现在:我每天和不同的同事一起吃饭。)
5、To keep the chain of gifts alive, we invite you to pay for those whodine after you.(为了让礼物的链条延续下去,我们邀请你继续为后面的顾客付款。)
6、So how valuable is it todine with one of the world's richest men?(所以,跟世界最富有的人之一共进午餐是多么有价值?)
7、Today, I did a 'dine and dash' and left my phone in the restaurant.(今天,我在一个餐馆吃了一顿霸王餐,却把手机落在那里。)
8、In total I'll have saved enough for my daughter and I todine for nearly 10 days.(我总共可以省下我和我女儿近10天的饭钱。)
9、We alwaysdine out at weekends.(我们周末总是在外吃饭。)
10、Would you prefer todine indoors or outdoors this evening?(今晚你愿意在室内还是室外就餐?)
11、I entered the restaurant todine prior to my departure.(我又走进了那家餐厅,想在离开前吃点东西。)
12、He then kept a look out for the restaurants we coulddine in for that night.(他那时候开始注意那天晚上我们能去吃的饭馆。)
13、You shalldine like Charles the Tenth; all is going well!(你们可以吃得象查理十世那样好。一切顺利!)
14、We alwaysdine in on weekdays.(我们周日总是在家吃饭。)
15、Ten Jigaboo boys went out todine.(十个小兵人,外出去吃饭。)
16、In the morning he seemed much occupied with business, and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighourhood called and sometimes stayed todine with him.(早上他似乎忙于生意,下午附近的绅士们来访,并且有时留下来和他一起吃饭。)
17、My classmates still choose todine there because it's trendy.(我的好多同学仍会去那里吃饭因为这很时髦。)
18、On the following day, M. Mabeuf received an invitation todine with the Minister.(第二天,马白夫先生收到一张请帖,邀他去大臣家吃饭。)
19、Fish maydine underwater, but they still need to remember their manners at mealtime.(鱼可以在水下用餐,不过它们也需要记住就餐时的举止。) hao86.com
20、That day he forgot todine.(那天他忘了吃晚饭。)
21、But, however, that shan't prevent my asking him todine here, I am determined.(不过,我还是可以请他到这儿来吃饭,我已经决定要请他来。)
22、"If only I had not accepted that invitation todine at 27," Mrs. Darling said.(“要是我没有接受27号吃饭的邀请就好了。”达琳太太说。)
23、You and your servant there shalldine with me, and we shall further discuss.(你和你的仆人与我一同用膳,我们继续探讨这个问题。)
24、My brother and the gentlemen are todine with the officers. Yours ever.(我的哥和他的几位朋友们都要上军官们那儿去吃饭。)
25、Yet the food they prefer todine on is easiest to catch after dark.(然而它们所喜爱的食物都是在天黑之后才更容易捕捉。)
26、How much would you pay todine with the Oracle of Omaha?(你会花多少钱跟奥哈马市的圣人共进午餐呢?)
27、Deadpool doesn't know how to lunch withoutdine-and-dashing.(死侍不知道怎样才能不吃霸王餐。)