


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:00:50



  • 1、Lightning is a brilliant flash of light produced by an electricaldischarge from a storm cloud.(闪电是一种因为暴风云放电而产生的一种明亮闪光。)
  • 2、They develop a fever and a waterydischarge from their eyes.(他们开始发烧,且有一种水状分泌物从他们的眼睛里流出。)
  • 3、Sometimes a normal vaginaldischarge can irritate the skin.(有些时候,正常的分泌物也可能使皮肤发炎。)
  • 4、One possibility he says is that tearsdischarge certain chemicals from your body, chemicals that build up during stress.(他说,一种可能性是,眼泪会从身体中释放出某些化学物质,这些化学物质是在压力下积聚起来的。)
  • 5、The government should take extreme measures against illegal industrial waste-waterdischarge.(政府应该采取严厉的措施阻止工业废水非法排放。)
  • 6、The day ofdischarge is not chargeable if rooms are vacated by 12:00 noon.(如果中午12点前房间被腾空,退房当天就免交费用。)
  • 7、From day 23 onward the vessel was in portdischarge.(从第23天起,这艘船就停泊在卸货港。)
  • 8、He said properdischarge from the reservoir would help the lakes.(他认为适当地排掉蓄水对湖泊具有一定帮助。)
  • 9、Herring suggested that different modes of sensation, such as pain, taste, and color, might be correlated with thedischarge of specific kinds of nervous energy.(赫灵指出,不同的感觉模式,如痛觉、味觉和色觉,可能与特定种类的神经能量的释放有关。)
  • 10、He was doing experiments in a gasdischarge tube.(实验是在一个气体放电管中进行的。)
  • 11、Franklin's experiments showed that the lightning is an electricaldischarge.(富兰克林的实验表明闪电是一种放电。)
  • 12、He was given a conditionaldischarge and ordered to pay Miss Smith $500 compensation.(他被判有条件释放,并被命令向史密斯小姐支付$500的赔偿金。)
  • 13、I've come to go through thedischarge formalities.(我来办理出院手续。)
  • 14、He received an honourabledischarge from the army.(他获准体面退伍。)
  • 15、By 1950, the results of attempts to relate brain processes to mental experience appeared rather correlated with thedischarge of specific kinds of nervous energy.(到了1950年,试图将大脑过程与心理体验联系起来的结果,似乎与特定种类的神经能量的释放相当相关。)
  • 16、The sewersdischarge out at sea.(下水道的污水排入海里。)
  • 17、So, what could trigger such a deepdischarge in a hybrid’s battery?(那么,是什么引起混合动力汽车的蓄电池组放电如此严重呢?)
  • 18、After the child had been treated, and was being prepared fordischarge, Dr. Myer talked to the parents about how they should care for the child at home.(在孩子接受治疗并准备出院后,迈尔博士与家长探讨了他们应该如何在家照顾孩子。)
  • 19、The idea of forcing storm clouds todischarge their lightning on command is not new.(迫使雷雨云应要求放出闪电的想法并不新鲜。)
  • 20、Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of ventdischarge, 350 milligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area.(据估计,每立方米排气口所排出的物质中,就有350毫克的有机颗粒物质被平流输送到排气口区域。)
  • 21、discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe.(向大海里倾倒污水既不卫生也不安全。)
  • 22、In the early 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thunderclouds to set up an easydischarge path for the huge electric charges that these clouds generate.(在20世纪60年代早期,研究人员试图将火箭尾部的电线发射到雷云中,以便于为这些雷云产生的巨大电荷建立一个简单的放电路径。)
  • 23、The impression produced by this firstdischarge was freezing.(这第一次排枪射击给人的印象是够寒心的。) hAo86.com
  • 24、Lightning is thedischarge of electricity from clouds.(闪电是云中释放的电荷。)
  • 25、Here is the gasdischarge tube.(这里是个气体放电管。)
  • 26、He added that he had warned McLaughlin that three preventable accidents in one year could lead to hisdischarge, as indeed it should.(他补充说,他曾警告过麦克劳克林,一年内发生三起可预防的事故可能会导致他被解雇,事实上也应该如此。)
  • 27、In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened withdischarge.(在企业界,拒不服从指令的工人面临被解雇的威胁。)
  • 28、The system is composed of industrial PC, DMC300 motion controller,discharge status checking card, A/D card, I/O card and pulse power.(该系统由工业PC,DMC300运动控制器,放电状态检查卡,A/D卡,I/O卡和脉冲电源组成。)
  • 29、There was a waterydischarge from her ear.(她的耳朵里有水状物流出。)



英 [dɪsˈtʃɑ:dʒ] 美 [dɪsˈtʃɑ:rdʒ] 
形容词: dischargeable 名词: dischargee 过去式: discharged 过去分词: discharged 现在分词: discharging 第三人称单数: discharges

