


更新时间:2025-03-09 12:19:19



  • 1、Gratuity iscustomary in this money-mad metropolis.(在这个金钱至上的大都市里,给小费是司空见惯的。)
  • 2、The British media met Blair's expensive gesture with its owncustomary lack of charity.(英国媒体都见识了布莱尔高消费的姿态和他自身缺乏善举的习惯。)
  • 3、When in New York City, it iscustomary for the visitor to take in a Broadway show.(参观者到了纽约市,通常都会去百老汇观看演出。)
  • 4、She arranged everything with hercustomary efficiency.(她以她特有的高效率把一切都已安排妥当。)
  • 5、They simply avoid paying more than they have to when one of theircustomary brands is temporarily available at a reduced price.(当他们惯用的品牌暂时降价时,他们只是避免支付更多的钱。)
  • 6、It iscustomary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.(通常用饮料或小吃招待客人。)
  • 7、This is thecustomary date format defined in ISO 8601 and endorsed by the W3C.(这是ISO8601定义并被W3C采纳的惯用日期格式。)
  • 8、Bowing one's head and folding one's arms during prayer are bothcustomary and encouraged.(在祈祷时鞠躬和交叉双臂既是一种习俗,也是一种鼓励。)
  • 9、In the late Middle Ages, it wascustomary to scrape away the surface of the parchment with an abrasive, which completely wiped out any writing that was there.(在中世纪后期,人们习惯用磨料刮去羊皮纸的表面,把纸上的所有文字都擦得干干净净。)
  • 10、OK, so anyway, that's thecustomary warning about simply connected things.(总之,这是关于单连通的习惯性提醒。)
  • 11、customary owners are thrown off land they think of as theirs.(习惯性土地所有者被从他们认为属于自己的土地上赶出去。)
  • 12、He laid out the problem at hand with hiscustomary clarity.(他以惯常的清晰逻辑展现了眼前的这个问题。)
  • 13、customary royalties on commodities is about 12.5%, but in cases of highly desirable properties or where there is a great deal of disruption to one's home or property, the rate can be 25% or higher.(按惯例征收的商品使用费约为12.5%,但如果是非常理想的财产,或某人的房屋或财产遭到严重破坏,税率可达25%或更高。)
  • 14、Yvonne took hercustomary seat behind her desk.(伊冯娜坐在了她的书桌后面惯坐的位子上。)
  • 15、You might even know thecustomary response, "Fine, thanks, and you?"(你甚至也知道一般常用的回答“Fine,thanks,andyou?”(我很好,谢谢,你呢?))
  • 16、We exchangedcustomary greetings of good morning with other early joggers.(我们与其他早起跑步的人用常用的“早上好”互道了问候。)
  • 17、But for tourists, as a regular diet was notcustomary.(但对于游客来说,作为经常性的饮食则不太习惯。)
  • 18、She found hercustomary self-possession had deserted her.(她发现自己不像平时那样遇事不惊了。)
  • 19、But state television did not, as iscustomary, broadcast his speech.(像往常一样,国家电视台没有广播他的讲话。)
  • 20、Nor is the south, Italy'scustomary punchbag, entirely at fault.(意大利南部,像是个长期沙袋,完全就是个错误。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 21、Is itcustomary to tip hairdressers in this country?(这个国家兴给理发师小费吗?)



英 [ˈkʌstəməri] 美 [ˈkʌstəmeri] 
副词: customarily 名词: customariness
