
更新时间:2024-08-27 12:00:26



  • 1、How life will be changed, howdreary the world will be, when papa and you are dead.(等到爸爸和你都死了,生活将要有怎样的改变,世界将变得多么凄凉啊。)
  • 2、The far-reaching world of the moor itself looked softly blue instead of gloomy purple-black or awfuldreary gray.(广袤无垠的沼地本身看上去是柔和的蓝色,而不是阴沉的紫黑或可怕的无生气的灰色。)
  • 3、The dull Settings make the long movie (2 hours and 12 minutes) a littledreary.(沉闷的剧情设置使这部时长2小时12分的电影略显乏味。)
  • 4、His old dreams had been so pleasant; but this reality was sodreary!(他的旧梦是如此美好;但现实是如此的枯燥!)
  • 5、Howdreary to meet death, surrounded by their cold faces!(在他们的冷脸的包围下,去跟死亡相遇可多惨啊!)
  • 6、The house looked grim anddreary in the rain.(这房子在雨中显得阴郁凄凉。)
  • 7、dreary and blank like a dream.(象梦一般地凄婉迷茫。)
  • 8、Most of the tramps spent ten consecutive hours in thisdreary room.(大多数流浪汉得在这间烦闷的房子里连续呆上十个小时。)
  • 9、They will brighten thedreary lives of Cubans.(他们将照亮古巴人沉闷的生活。)
  • 10、They’d missed 9/11 and itsdreary aftermath.(他们错过了9/11和那令人压抑的事件余波。)
  • 11、Some days must be dark anddreary.(有些日子必然阴暗而沉闷。)
  • 12、Thismonotonous day has put you in adreary mood.(单调的一天将你的情绪变得沮丧。)
  • 13、If Greenspan was thedreary undertaker, Rothbard was the happy warrior.(如果格林斯潘是死气沉沉的收尸者[12],罗斯巴德就是欢快的勇士。)
  • 14、He must go thedreary round of his mind again and find out.(他还得在心灵的凄凉的路上重新走一遍,把它找出来。)
  • 15、Remember,dreary, sleepy, foggy mornings don't have to be the norm for you.(记住:枯燥乏味的、昏昏欲睡的,阴云密布的早晨绝不理所应当成为你的常规!)
  • 16、Oh, how dark and comfortless it was in thedreary world!(啊,这个茫茫世界是多么黑暗和凄凉啊!)
  • 17、The days are so long anddreary, and I have no joy left.(日子过得又漫长又无聊,我一点欢乐也没有了。)
  • 18、Sunshine had come again into the blind woman's life, and made her days less dark anddreary.(阳光又回到了失明的奶奶的生活中,使她的日子不那么黑暗和沉闷了。)
  • 19、Enoughdreary long-term analysis.(以上的分析足够烦人的了。)
  • 20、How can he when it's such a great, bare,dreary place?(那地方那么大,那么光秃秃的,那么可怕,他怎么会喜欢呢?) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 21、I hate these drydreary days.(我讨厌干燥沉闷的天气。)
  • 22、The sounds were yet moredreary than the silence which they interrupted.(这些声音比它们所打破的寂静还要沉闷。)
  • 23、New York City was toodreary.(纽约市太单调了。)
  • 24、She had sunk into adreary apathy and would not be roused.(她已陷入一种沮丧的麻木状态,再也无法振作起来。)



英 [ˈdrɪəri] 美 [ˈdrɪri] 
副词: drearily 比较级: drearier 最高级: dreariest 名词: dreariness
