1、If there's a line in Vegas on the odds of life on another planet, now might be a good time to place awager.(如果维加斯有赌桌赌外星球有生命的几率,现在正是下手的好机会。)
2、Many in the industrywager the firm will not be able to raise another fund.(许多业内人士打赌,TerraFirma募集不到资金。)
3、Greece, one mightwager, will play out in similar fashion.(有人可能会下注希腊将有类似表现。)
4、12% of women under 35 on OkCupid (and the internet in general, I'dwager) self-identify as bi.(OkCupid上(我敢打赌整个互联网都一样)35岁以下的女性有12%自我认定为双性恋。)
5、I'llwager that she knows more about it than she's saying.(我敢打赌,她知道的比她说的要多。)
6、Note: This is not me. I have more than 100 things. More than 5000, I'dwager.(注:这不是我。我拥有的东西比这多100件,多5000件,我打赌。)
7、I wouldwager it was probably about 200 years ago, and that is what is going to happen in the future.(我敢打赌约在200年前也发生同样的事。在未来这还会发生。)
8、Some hedge funds are starting towager on painful times ahead for Japan, the world's second-largest economy.(一些对冲基金开始押注全球第二大经济体日本将面临痛苦的前景。)
9、And I'll lay awager that barely anyone in the West believed them.(我会打赌在西方没有人会信这一套。)
10、I never heard the name in my life. I'llwager anything it is not in the calendar!(我这辈子从来没听说过这个名字。我敢打赌,日历上也没有这个名字!)
11、The story was different, though, for the fifthwager—that gravitational waves would be detected.(然而,对于第五个赌盘来说--重力波将被发现,结局有可能会不同。)
12、To bet orwager money on games of chance, races, etc.(在概率类游戏或比赛中打赌或下注。)
13、If there was a tear, I wouldwager that it was for fallen comrades and for the massacre that surrounded them.(如果说流了眼泪,我敢打赌,这是为了已故的同志和陷入重围后的惨败。)
14、And I wouldwager that Bob hasn't really read it.(我打赌鲍勃压根没认真读过。)
15、Bet orwager - the term 'bet orwager' shall have the same meaning as in section 5362 (1).(下注或者押注——“下注或者押注”的术语,与第5362节第(1)款规定的含义相同。)
16、But you win what youwager.(但是你赢了你所赌注的。)
17、Thewager was accepted, but not one of those who bet believed that she would do it.(许多人和她打了赌,但是没有一个人相信那是可能的。)
18、Now they canwager on death as well as default.(现在他们不仅能对违约下注,还能对死亡下注。)
19、The ability to obtain healthcare is an important goal for middle classwager earners and their families.(获得医保也是中产阶级和中产家庭非常重要的目标之一。)
20、For much of the past decade, barring the odd tiff, thewager worked.(过去十年的多数时间里,撇开小打小闹不说,赌注还是起到作用了。)
21、There were many ways to lose thiswager.(要输掉这场赌注也有很多方式。)
22、"Pottery 101 or something like that" would be a tougherwager than organic chemistry, said Mr. Gelbart.(陶器101或者和它类似的什么东西会是个比有机化学更难对付赌局“,格巴特说。”) haO86.com
23、It was his most brilliantwager.(这是他最棒的一次打赌。)
24、Laurence has just won awager with his team over the number of Vodafone VIP members who bought tickets for concerts.(劳伦斯刚刚跟他的团队就购买了音乐会门票的沃达丰VIP会员的数目打了一个赌,赌赢了。)
25、With these complications in mind, let uswager three hypotheses(在知道了这些混乱之后,让我们来作三个假设)
26、I have more than 100 things. More than 5000, I'dwager.(我拥有的东西比这多100件,多5000件,我打赌。)