
do without造句

do without造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 12:19:18


do without造句

  • 1、He coulddo without her rhetorical questions at five o'clock in the morning.(他不愿她早晨5点就问他那些无须回答的问题。)
  • 2、Selfish men
  • 3、 I cando without.(我不要自私的男人。)
  • 4、There's a kind of thinking youdo without trying to.(而这种思考并非你本身刻意为之。)
  • 5、What would I everdo without my beautiful Molly?(不敢想像如果没有美丽的女儿茉莉我会是什麽样.)
  • 6、The eye tracker gives expert and learning performers a glimpse into what theydo without thinking about it.(眼动仪可以让专业人士和学习者在不加思考的情况下了解自己在做什么。)
  • 7、If there's none left we'll have todo without.(如果没有剩余的我们就只得将就了。)
  • 8、I love it, and can'tdo without it.(我爱它,已经不能离开它了。)
  • 9、Derrida never really claims that you cando without it.(德里达从来没有说过,不这样做是可以的。)
  • 10、Sometimes, people like drugs or need drugs so much; they can'tdo without them.(有时,人们喜欢毒品或非常需要毒品;他们离不开毒品。)
  • 11、What will poor Snowhopperdo without me?(没有我,可怜的‘雪兔’怎么办?)
  • 12、Certainly, no homework should be assigned that students cannot complete on their own or that they cannotdo without expensive equipment.(当然,不应该给学生布置无法独立完成或没有昂贵设备就无法完成的作业。)
  • 13、That's hard todo without funding.(没有资金的话很难做到。)
  • 14、Enrollment in business schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created the assumption that no one who pursued a business career coulddo without one.(上世纪七八十年代商学院的入学人数激增,使得人们默认任何一个从事商业职业的人都必须进入商学院。)
  • 15、You can'tdo without diamonds.(没有钻石是不行的。)
  • 16、We cando without lobsters, you know.(你知道,我们没有龙虾也行。)
  • 17、If they can't get it to us in time, we'll just have todo without.(如果他们不能及时给我们拿来,我们就只好将就了。)
  • 18、Another thing you couldn'tdo without your tears is cry from joy, anger or sadness.(没有泪水,您无法做的另一件事就是因喜悦,愤怒或悲伤而哭泣。)
  • 19、We can'tdo without the help of your organization.(我们不能没有你们机构的帮助。)
  • 20、She can'tdo without a secretary.(她不能没有秘书。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 21、We can hardlydo without the help of the masses.(我们离不开群众的帮助。)
  • 22、What am I todo without him?(没有他我该怎么办?)
  • 23、You can pretend to like things which you are quite happy todo without.(你可以假装喜欢并非不可或缺的东西。)
  • 24、Man cannotdo without water.(人短不了水。)
  • 25、We had todo without fresh fruit and vegetable.(没有新鲜水果和蔬菜,我们不得不将就一下。)

do without基本释义

do without

英 [du: wiˈðaut] 美 [du wɪðˈaʊt] 
没有 ... 也行; 无需