
更新时间:2024-08-27 11:59:14



  • 1、At thevanity Fair party, they were let in the back door.(在《名利场》杂志的聚会上,他们从后门进来。)
  • 2、He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded byvanity to accept their verdict on him.(他的重要地位让他太过傲气、太过自负,从而无法接受他人对自己的意见。)
  • 3、Men who use steroids are motivated by sheervanity.(服用类固醇的男人们纯粹是受了虚荣心的驱使。)
  • 4、They were jubilant withvanity over their new grandeur and the illustrious trouble they were making.(他们对自己的新光荣事迹和他们所制造的大麻烦洋洋得意,充满了虚荣心。)
  • 5、vanity in our culture has increased and become more acceptable.(虚荣心在我们的文化中随处可见且可以被接受。)
  • 6、This also isvanity and a great evil.(这也是虚空,也是大患。)
  • 7、The second danger lies in thevanity of philanthropists.(其次,慈善家们的虚荣也是一大隐患。)
  • 8、This also isvanity and vexation of spirit.(这也是虚空,也是捕风。)
  • 9、This is alsovanity, yea, it is a sore travail.(这也是虚空,是极重的劳苦。)
  • 10、Not victory, butvanity.(并非因为胜利,而是因为虚荣心。)
  • 11、The present little sacrifice of yourvanity will afterward be amply repaid.(牺牲眼前的一些虚荣,日后就会大有收获。)
  • 12、He played up to the old lady'svanity to get her support.(他利用这老妇人的虚荣心来获得他的支持。)
  • 13、vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they can't afford not to.(虚荣心是永恒的;人们只有在不能承受放纵购物的时候,才会开始节制购物。)
  • 14、Thevanity sizing ploy has long been used by women's fashion chains.(这种虚示尺寸的策略已经被长期应用于女性时尚连锁店。)
  • 15、Power, likevanity, is insatiable.(权力,正如虚荣,是永难满足的。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 16、Yes,vanity is a weakness indeed.(不错,虚荣的确是个弱点。)
  • 17、vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all isvanity.(传道者说,虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空。)
  • 18、An Ensuite Bath with Tub and Shower separatevanity and Two sinks.(一个浴室套间,有浴缸和淋浴、单独梳妆台和两个洗手池。)
  • 19、Therefore their days did he consume invanity, and their years in trouble.(因此他叫他们的日子,全归虚空,叫他们的年岁,尽属惊恐。)
  • 20、The least defensible motive isvanity.(最牵强的理由就是虚荣心。)
  • 21、Butvanity, not love, has been my folly.(然而我的愚蠢,并不是在恋爱方面,而是有虚荣心方面。)
  • 22、She did that out ofvanity.(她出于虚荣心而那样做。)
  • 23、Such spending is not merevanity.(这样的支出不仅仅是虚荣心。)
  • 24、Her sarcasm wounded hisvanity.(她挖苦的语言刺伤了他的虚荣心。)
  • 25、Piotr's father and Czeslaw spoke of the temptation, thevanity of the male.(彼得亚雷的父亲和切斯·沃夫谈到诱惑是男人的虚荣心在作祟。)



英 [ˈvænəti] 美 [ˈvænɪti] 
名词复数: vanities
