


更新时间:2025-03-09 12:18:51



  • 1、Surely that would be a foolishjustification for subsidizing smoking.(使补贴吸烟正当化确实是一个愚蠢的想法。)
  • 2、According to Kerber, motherhood became pivotal to the fate of the republic, providingjustification for an unprecedented attention to female education.(根据Kerber的说法,母性成为了共和国命运的关键,这为前所未有的女性教育关注提供了辩护。)
  • 3、It has about as much relevance andjustification.(量子力学有太多的相关性和理由。)
  • 4、If you don't like it, fair enough, but that's hardly ajustification to attack the whole thing.(如果你不喜欢它,可以,但把它说得一无是处就没什么道理了。)
  • 5、Improved service is onejustification for the increased tolls.(服务质量的提高是通行费不断上涨的一个理由。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 6、Reverse spelling (crumb for crum, a word in which b has nojustification) is also a trivial mistake.(反向拼写(crum拼成crumb,b在这里没有理由存在)也是微不足道的错误。)
  • 7、Yet those minds derive their strength andjustification from this.(然而那些心智正是从死亡中汲取了力量和为自己的辩护之词。)
  • 8、To me the onlyjustification for a zoo is educational.(对我来说,动物园存在的惟一正当理由就是它的教育意义。)
  • 9、Public security is not the onlyjustification for the ban, of course.(当然,公共安全不是禁令唯一的辩护词。)
  • 10、All I can say injustification of her actions is that she was under a lot of pressure at work.(我唯一能为她的行为辩解的理由是她工作压力很大。)
  • 11、International prestige is ajustification for violence.(国际声望是暴力的正当理由。)
  • 12、Take a principaljustification for the ban: public security.(这个禁令的首要辩护词是:公共安全。)
  • 13、The last reply is ajustification that the other person might appreciate.(最后一个反应是别人较为悦纳的辩护方式。)
  • 14、What possiblejustification could make anyone act so barbarously?(要一个怎样的理由方能使人变得如此残暴不仁?)
  • 15、This is the ultimatejustification for honest money.(为什么追求诚实的货币?这就是最终的理由。)
  • 16、Christ died for me: myjustification.(基督为我们舍命:我信的理由。)
  • 17、The state's facilities management project team is still in the process of developing its businessjustification and expects to have that completed and available to the public at the end of February.(该州的设施管理项目团队仍在研究其商业价值,预计将在2月底完成并向公众开放。)
  • 18、The most plausiblejustification for higher taxes on automobile fuel is that fuel consumption harms the environment and thus adds to the costs of traffic congestion.(提高汽车燃油税最合理的理由是,燃料消耗会损害环境,从而增加交通拥堵的成本。)
  • 19、He resolves to put some kind of order into this jumble of beliefs so thatjustification of one proposition may follow from another.(他希望可以理顺这些混杂的信念,以便可以做到证实一个,便能随之推导出另外一个。)
  • 20、He was getting angry—and with somejustification.(他生气了—而且不是没有道理的。)
  • 21、So, go back to this insufficientjustification effect.(说回理由不足效应。)
  • 22、But is this brain drain real, or merely a bit of self-justification?(这是真正的人才流失,还是仅仅是他们的一个自辩的理由呢?)
  • 23、The last three show options for width andjustification control.(后三行显示宽度和对齐控制的选项。)
  • 24、I can see no possiblejustification for any further tax increases.(我看不出还能提出什么理由来进一步加税了。)
  • 25、justification is something that you've experienced in the past.(称义则是已经过去的经历。)
  • 26、But even in science imagination plays a role injustification too.(但是即使在科学中,想象在证明中也发挥巨大作用。)
  • 27、Hisjustification for the merger was just hot air.(他提出的合并理由只是连篇空话。)



英 [ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美 [ˌdʒʌstəfɪˈkeʃən] 
