
更新时间:2025-01-05 12:24:41



  • 1、Supporters of theknuckle-walking origin think we and African apes evolved from a commonknuckle walking ancestor.(支持拳步起源的人认为,我们和非洲猿来自一个共同的拳步行走的祖先。)
  • 2、It started with prizefighting, illegal elsewhere in an era of bare-knuckle boxing.(它开始于职业拳击,在其他地方裸拳拳击还是非法的年代。)
  • 3、Rose: Heyknuckle, you look really happy! What's up?(罗斯:你好,纳克,你看起非常开心!发生什么了吗?)
  • 4、Or as my younger son would say, fudgeknuckle.(或者像我的小儿子会说的一样,胡说八道。)
  • 5、He refused toknuckle under to the enemy.(他拒绝向敌人投降。)
  • 6、The subjects were asked to use their free right hand point with a baton to the location of eachknuckle and fingertip of their left hand.(实验对象被要求用他们空出来的右手拿着一根指挥棒,指出他们左手每个指关节和指尖的位置。)
  • 7、Tim Wakefield Tim Wakefield on the DL right now throws a lot slower, because he has that trickyknuckle ball, he doesn't need to throw as fast.(现在受伤停赛的,投的很慢,因为他有一个很难处理的指节球,他不需要扔的很快。)
  • 8、You might play some games, - you might play like checkers and these kinds of — bones, boneknuckle bones games, that you can still see.(玩游戏,比如西洋跳棋-,抓骨游戏,现在还能看到。)
  • 9、Then again, it's not a barn-burning,knuckle-dragging multimedia ultimate weapon either.(再者,它也不是一个高发热,单一化的多媒体终极武器。)
  • 10、Stirrup wheelknuckle support assembly using caliper brakes.(斯蒂勒普轮蹄支持装配使用刹车卡钳。)
  • 11、As my younger son would say, fudgeknuckle.(就像我小儿子说的,胡说八道。)
  • 12、knuckle shopping bag designed by Leo Burnett Lisbon AD agency.(LeoBurnettLisbon广告公司设计的扣指购物袋。)
  • 13、I'm going to have toknuckle down to some serious study.(我得开始认认真真地学习了。)
  • 14、Kivell and Schmitt think this suggests the independent evolution ofknuckle-walking behavior in the two African ape lineages.(凯威尔和施密特认为这表明了在两个非洲类人猿谱系中关节行走行为的独立进化。)
  • 15、If you rap it with yourknuckle, you hear the thwack of gypsum rather than the ring of cold metal.(如果用指关节击之,你能听见石膏的闷响,而非冷冰冰的金属发出的鸣响。)
  • 16、He gets you to your destination without turning the trip into a white-knuckle experience.(他会将你安然无恙地送达你的目的地。)
  • 17、You might play some games—you might play like checkers and these kinds of—knuckle bones games, that you can still see.(你可能会玩一些游戏——你可能会玩跳棋之类的——抓骨游戏,你仍然可以看到。)
  • 18、But none of the later fossils considered to be on the direct human line wereknuckle-walkers.(不过,在后来出土并被认为与人类进化直接有关的化石上,没有出现与关节行走者有关的证据。)
  • 19、Even if times get tough, they don'tknuckle under.(即使面临困难的时候,他们也不屈服。)
  • 20、We will discuss the effective method forknuckle pain.(我们将探讨膝关节疼痛有效治疗途径。)
  • 21、This white-knuckle improvisation was evident across Wall Street, too.(这种充满刺激的即兴行为也明显影响到华尔街。)
  • 22、Choose a close friend to help you through the white-knuckle times of this journey.(找个好朋友一起戒烟有助于度过这难熬的过程。)
  • 23、knuckle: You bet! I finally cracked it!(纳克:当然!我终于成功了!)
  • 24、This bag was designed by Leo Burnett with a brassknuckle printed on the handle to give a more masculine impression.(这个购物袋的设计师是LeoBurnett,金属的手柄给人以更为阳刚的印象。)
  • 25、Wainwright rubbed aknuckle along the surface of his chin .(温赖特的一个手指关节在下巴上搓来搓去。)
  • 26、The finger is still crooked to this day, bent at the bottomknuckle a full 45 degrees outward from his other fingers.(直到今天,他的手指仍然是弯曲的,底部的指关节与其他手指呈45度角向外弯曲。)



英 [ˈnʌkl] 美 [ˈnʌkəl] 
过去式: knuckled 过去分词: knuckled 现在分词: knuckling 第三人称单数: knuckles

