
更新时间:2024-06-23 12:49:15



  • 1、The Super Bowl incident, which Ms. Jackson termed a "wardrobe malfunction", has prompted newscrutiny of indecency on the airwaves.(杰克逊女士称之为“服装故障”的“超级碗”事件引发了对电视节目不雅行为的新一轮审视。)
  • 2、It has been the subject of your closescrutiny every morning since you were tall enough to see into the bathroom mirror.(自从你长得足够高,能从浴室的镜子里看到自己以后,你就会每天早晨仔细检查它。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、His argument simply doesn't stand up to closescrutiny.(他的论点完全经不起仔细推敲。)
  • 4、Complex structures with more than three layers of ownership should arouse especialscrutiny.(拥有三层以上所有权的复杂结构应该受到特别的审查。)
  • 5、Contractors, meanwhile, face newscrutiny.(同时,承包商面临着新一轮的盘查。)
  • 6、The rules which the banks had agreed to observe made the opening of numbered accounts subject to much closerscrutiny than before.(银行同意遵守的规定使得开立编号账户受到比以前更严格的审查。)
  • 7、The longer they took to answer these questions, the more highly they rated the piece underscrutiny, and the greater their neural activity.(他们回答这些问题的时间越长,对所审作品的评价就越高,神经活动也越活跃。)
  • 8、Fund managers should not escapescrutiny either.(基金经理也不会逃过调查。)
  • 9、The diamond passed thescrutiny of the jeweler.(钻石通过了珠宝商的仔细检查。)
  • 10、But there's still someone who deservesscrutiny—the person holding the phone.(但仍有一个人值得关注——拿着电话的那个人。)
  • 11、But morescrutiny can be a double-edged sword.(但是更多的关注也是一把双刃剑。)
  • 12、First, the Court required especially strictscrutiny of legislation that employed a "suspect classification", meaning discrimination against a group on grounds that could be construed as racial.(首先,最高法院要求对采用“可疑分类”的立法进行特别严格的审查。“可疑分类”指的是以种族歧视为理由对一个群体的歧视。)
  • 13、The documents should be available for publicscrutiny.(这些文件须公之于世,交由公众审议。)
  • 14、His private life came under mediascrutiny.(他的私生活开始受到媒体的密切关注。)
  • 15、But it takes collectivescrutiny and acceptance to transform a discovery claim into a mature discovery.(但是把探索申明变为一个成熟的发现成果是需要集体的审查和集体的接受。)
  • 16、Their arguments do not withstand the most superficialscrutiny.(他们的论点经不起最为浅表的细察。)
  • 17、In corporate purchasing, competitivescrutiny is typically limited to suppliers of items that are directly related to end products.(在企业采购中,竞争性审查通常仅限于与最终产品直接相关的供应商。)
  • 18、Tepco is shielded by a lack of mediascrutiny.(东京电力公司被缺乏媒体的检查保护着。)
  • 19、Her argument doesn't really stand up toscrutiny.(她的观点经不起认真推敲。)
  • 20、This phenomenon bears more intensescrutiny.(这一现象需要予以更为认真的审视。)
  • 21、The mediascrutiny shows no sign of letting up.(媒体的穷追猛打毫无偃旗息鼓的迹象。)
  • 22、scrutiny is another matter.(监督是另一个方面。)
  • 23、scrutiny requires information.(监督需要信息。)



英 [ˈskru:təni] 美 [ˈskrutni] 
名词复数: scrutinies
