
take stock of造句

take stock of造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 12:26:56


take stock of造句

  • 1、As part of a migration assessment, it is important totake stock of the various types of components in your application.(作为移植评估的一部分,把应用程序的各种组件做个评估是很重要的。)
  • 2、It was time totake stock of the situation.(是估量形势的时候了。)
  • 3、Stella: Yes, but first we shouldtake stock of the entire market.(史黛拉:对啊,不过首先我们得评估整个市场。)
  • 4、In deciding a man's assignment, we shouldtake stock of his training and qualifications.(在规定一个人的任务时,我们要考虑他受过的训练和各方面的条件。)
  • 5、Key points:take stock of your weaknesses before the interview.(要点:在参加面试之前,估量一下自己的劣势到底是什么。)
  • 6、Summertime's also a great time totake stock of your friendships, since you have more time and aren't as distracted by work or school.(夏日时光是个帮你积累有益的黄金时期,因为你有了更多的时间,没有像工作或学校里那么容易分心。)
  • 7、take stock of what you need to learn, and find ways to learn it.(想想你需要学的知识,然后找机会去学习。)
  • 8、Stop TB Partnership Board meets in Washington, D.C. totake stock of disease’s burden 10 years after movement’s founding.(遏制结核病伙伴合作组织协调委员会成员齐聚华盛顿,总结该机构成立十年来在结核病防治方面取得的成果。)
  • 9、It's time totake stock of what we have achieved so far, so that we can make realistic plans for the future.(现在是时候估量一下我们已经取得的成就了,这样我们才能为将来制定现实的计划。)
  • 10、Sotake stock of your emotional state, and know what you want in the aftermath of a breakup.(因此,请估量一下你的情绪状态,知道分手后你想要的到底是什么。)
  • 11、First, establish what a meaningful relationship isn't.take stock of all the relationships you currently have. For each one ask yourself.(第一,确定有意义的人脉不包括哪些。对于你现有的人脉资源进行评估,对每一个进行如下发问。)
  • 12、His death was one of a series of signs I read to step back andtake stock of the genetic problems I was repeatedly having to deal with.(它的死因是一连串的迹象之一,我回过头去钻研和观察这个我曾经重复必须处理的遗传问题。)
  • 13、Of course, if youtake stock of your upper body mid-run and you find your arms aimlessly dangling, you might be running too relaxed.(当然,途中检查您的上身时,您发现您的双臂懒洋洋地悬着,您可能跑得太放松了。)
  • 14、And to ensure that we keep our commitments, we agreed to continue totake stock of our efforts going forward.(为了确保承诺得到履行,我们一致同意在今后继续追踪我们的努力结果。)
  • 15、The next day, Salla began totake stock of her life, and thought it was time to settle down.(第二天,萨拉思量自己的一生,觉得是时候安顿下来了。)
  • 16、As we remember all that was lost, we musttake stock of the work being done on recovery, while preparing for future disasters.(正如我们铭记所有失去的一样,我们必须考虑重建时需做的工作,为日后抵御灾难做准备。)
  • 17、This is a great opportunity totake stock of what you absolutely love, things that work for you and will work in your new space.(你可以把握大好机会考量哪些东西是你最喜欢的,旧什物是否适合新居。)
  • 18、take stock of your financial situation with a professional adviser, if you haven't done so already.(如果还没有做的话就和职业顾问一起清点一下你的财务状况。)
  • 19、Still it's useful totake stock of the roadblocks in order to develop an effective strategy for moving forward.(不过对障碍进行估计将仍然有用,可帮助制定进行下一步工作的有效策略。)
  • 20、With those stakes in mind, representatives from more than 120 nations went to Egypt totake stock of efforts to contain the virus.(考虑到这些风险,参加埃及会议的来自120多个国家的代表评估了遏制禽流感病毒的工作。)
  • 21、So today, with you, I want totake stock of our journey and chart our next steps.(所以,今天,我想与你们一起确定我们的历程并规划下一步行动。)
  • 22、It was time to stand back andtake stock of his career.(他该从旁观者的角度来反思一下自己的职业生涯了。)
  • 23、The idea is that we stop, take a breath, andtake stock of the way the organisation operates.(她告诉的剧院服务业报《舞台》说,“这个决定就是让我们停下来,深深吸口气,采取股份制的方式来组织管理。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 24、At the beginning of a New Year, peopletake stock of their lives and decide to make some changes.(一年之始,人们愿意盘点一下过去,并在新年做些改变。)
  • 25、But what if we could stop, pause totake stock of each precious moment before it passes?(但如果我们能够停下来,在每一个珍贵的片刻过去之前暂停下来仔细观察,又会如何?)

take stock of基本释义

take stock of

英 [teik stɔk ɔv] 美 [tek stɑk ʌv] 
估量; 清查; 鉴定; 估计