1、Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research—a classic case of "paralysis by analysis".(他们没有制定行动计划,而是继续要求进行更多的研究——这是“分析性瘫痪”的典型案例。)
2、Thatsensation has given sleepparalysis a place in folklore worldwide.(这种感觉使睡眠瘫痪症在世界各地的民间传说中有了位置。)
3、You had to inspect 200 children before you found one withparalysis.(在你发现一个瘫痪者之前你已经检查了200个儿童。)
4、In severe cases, this can lead toparalysis and loss of vision.(重症多发性硬化症会导致瘫痪和失明。)
5、paralysis by analysis can waste years of your life.(过多的分析而没有行动是在浪费你的时间。)
6、Dreams ofparalysis can also fit into this category.(梦到肢体瘫痪也可以归到这一类来。)
7、Its effects on the nervous system include weakness,paralysis, and tingling in the hands and feet.(它对神经系统的影响包括虚弱、麻痹和手脚的略微刺痛感。)
8、Our goal is to make life as normal as possible for people withparalysis.(我们的目标是使瘫痪的人拥有跟正常人一样的生活。)
9、paralysis has settled on the entire financial system.(这让整个金融系统都陷入瘫痪。)
10、Poison from the fish causesparalysis, swelling, and nausea.(这种鱼的毒素会引起瘫痪、肿胀、恶心。)
11、Less fear makesparalysis less likely.(更少的恐惧造成更少的麻痹。)
12、Sleepparalysis has been known for a long time.(睡眠麻痹早已不是什么新鲜事。) (好工具hao86.com)
13、The crackdown has also broughtparalysis in public administration.(这次打击行动同样造成了公共管理的瘫痪。)
14、All this information overload creates analysisparalysis.(过是量的信息造成了分析困难。)
15、The handicapped also include deaf-mutes and some brainparalysis amentia.(残疾人还包括聋哑人及部分脑瘫智障患者。)
16、Avoid analysisparalysis.(避免分析活动的终止。)
17、It is accompanied with possible shock,paralysis, and tissue death.(且同时伴随着颤栗,麻痹,组织死亡等。)
18、Theparalysis of the leadership leaves the army without its supreme command.(领导层的瘫痪使得军队没有了最高统帅。)
19、Stop the analysisparalysis. Just keep choosing and living.(不再调查研究,不再优柔寡断,只是不断地做出选择和生活。)
20、Symptoms can range from mild weakness and constipation toparalysis.(症状轻则出现轻度的无力与便秘,重则出现瘫痪。)
21、Look out for three warning signs of analysis-paralysis.(你应该警惕陷入分析迷局的三个警示信号。)
22、Too much freedom causes analysisparalysis.(自由太多会导致分析瘫痪。)
23、That kind ofparalysis is typical of a prolonged bear market.(这种市场瘫痪状态是长期熊市的典型特征。)
24、Failure must be an option.paralysis is not.(失败是一种可能,麻痹不是。)
25、The strike caused totalparalysis in the city.(罢工使这座城市完全瘫痪。)