
更新时间:2024-06-23 12:48:58



  • 1、Poland’s relations with Russia, once equallyneurotic, have calmed down.(波兰同俄罗斯一度紧张的关系也日趋缓和。)
  • 2、In aneurotic document, the same prefix is used for more than one namespace.(而在一篇神经错乱的文档中,同一个前缀则用于多个名称空间。)
  • 3、For example, my crazy,neurotic cleaning schedule used to look like this.(我看起来疯狂,神经质的清理时间表。)
  • 4、We want you to drop your trip, come out of yourneurotic self-involvement, join the party.(我们希望你别支支吾吾了,停止你神经质的自我折磨吧,加入我们的聚会。)
  • 5、She becameneurotic about keeping the house clean.(她对保持房子清洁有点神经质。)
  • 6、Some people can be especiallyneurotic or nervous by nature, living out their lives in a state of excessive worry.(有些人可能天生就特别神经质或者紧张,成天生活在极度忧虑中。)
  • 7、Marry someone who's notneurotic.(不要和神经质的人结婚。)
  • 8、What is the clue to the operation of ourneurotic residuals?(我们的神经症残留的操作线索是什么呢?)
  • 9、He wants to divorce her because she is soneurotic.(因为她太神经质了,所以他要跟她离婚。)
  • 10、How would I feel if I found out that he was created by Japanese CG engineers rather than a controlling,neurotic mother?(如果我发现他是由日本CG工程师合成的而不是妈妈身上掉下的肉,我会有何感想呢?)
  • 11、He was almostneurotic about being followed.(他对被人跟踪几乎神经过敏。)
  • 12、This tip soundsneurotic I know, but I swear it works.(这条建议听上去有点儿神经质,可我发誓这绝对有用。)
  • 13、"When I'm writing I don't feelneurotic, " he says with a grin.(当我在写作时,我就不感到焦虑、神经质。)
  • 14、Excess sugar is known to cause claustrophobia, memory loss and otherneurotic disorders.(已知过多的糖会造成幽闭恐怖症、失忆和其他神经疾病。)
  • 15、That people could be uncrippled from their ownneurotic conflicts and impulses;(对自己神经过敏症的冲突和冲动,那样的人能避免遭受损害。)
  • 16、Eric Lefkofsky is veryneurotic and he wasn't going to sleep for 9-18 months, and at the end of the day that freaked him out.(莱夫·科夫斯基非常神经质,这9到18个月他都别想睡觉了,最后他会崩溃的。)
  • 17、His job at the library, he makes clear, came not as a literary adventure but because he was aneurotic failure at anything else.(他明确指出他到图书馆工作不是充当文学冒险,而是因为他对其它行当都神经缺弦。) (好工具
  • 18、Meprobamate and benactyzine are helpful in the treatment ofneurotic psychotic depression.(眠尔通和胃复康有助于精神抑郁症的治疗。)
  • 19、She excels at depicting theneurotic uncertainties of people who know they are privileged but feel sorry for themselves anyway.(她出色的描写了人们精神上的变化无常,这些人都以为自己很特殊,不过最后都还是对生活无可奈何。)
  • 20、Regulateneurotic of after balance appear mess, the basic metabolism descends, the metabolism cans not develop smoothly, either.(调节神经的平衡出现紊乱后,基本代谢下降,新陈代谢也不能顺利开展。)
  • 21、On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or evenneurotic.(在另外一边,你的同事们嘲笑你杞人忧天,神经质。)
  • 22、Howneurotic does my partner think I am?(同伴会觉得我有多神经质?)
  • 23、They could have just as easily said that non-iPad owners areneurotic, insecure, proud and careless.(他们本可以简单的说,没有iPad的人更加神经质、缺乏安全感、自傲、不细心。)
  • 24、New research finds friends think we're lessneurotic and more conscientiousness than we imagine.(新的研究表明:在朋友眼中,我们没有自己想象的那么神经质,却比自己预想的更加有责任感。)
  • 25、Yes, I'm a littleneurotic.(是的,我有一点点的神经质。)
  • 26、"It is not easy to determine when it changes intoneurotic jealousy," says Dr. Hupka.(判断什么时候转变成神经质的嫉妒可并不容易“,Hupka博士说。”)
  • 27、Mr Blankfein'sneurotic impulses are well founded, however.(但是,Blankfein先生的神经质的冲动是由根据的。)
  • 28、The newly emerged applied cognitive psychology and cognitiveneurotic science contribute a syntheticism of ecology.(新出现的应用认知心理学和认知神经科学对生态学做出了贡献。)



英 [njʊəˈrɒtɪk] 美 [nʊˈrɑ:tɪk] 
副词: neurotically

