更新时间:2025-01-05 12:23:32
pay up造句
- 1、The budget was carried nonetheless and Britain is obliged topay up.(预算案还是通过了,英国当然也有义务支付。)
- 2、The sponsor threatened not topay up.(赞助商以不付款为要挟。)
- 3、When fire and theft premiums rise, those who really need insurance stillpay up.(当失火和盗窃的保险费上升,那些真正需要保险的人仍会全部付清。)
- 4、One clear problem is counterparty risk; insurance is worth nothing if the insurer cannotpay up.(一个显而易见的问题是对手方风险:如若保险人无力赔付,保险还有何用?)
- 5、"I called 500 companies," says Mittelstaedt. "Two were willing topay up front."(“我给500个公司打了电话,”Mittelstaedt说,“两个公司愿意一次性付清费用。”)
- 6、That means that people willpay up front for about fifteen years' earnings.(这意味着人们需要预先支付,15年的收益。)
- 7、They are willing topay up to $500 more for cars that get better mileage.(他们愿意多付$500来买单位汽油里程数更高的汽车。)
- 8、But most of uspay up without even realizing it, perhaps because the fee details are often hard to find.(但是我们大部分人甚至没有意识到这一点就付清了费用,也许是因为费用详情往往很难找到。)
- 9、These folks want the flexibility to get going with the technology now, without having topay up front.(那些人现在希望有技术的同时还要有灵活性,但无需提前结帐。)
- 10、Passengers might grumble about the new fares, but most willpay up nonetheless.(对于车票涨价,乘客也许会抱怨,但是大多数人还是得乖乖掏钱。)
- 11、Sony Music said it was keeping its "legal options open" as it pressured Amazon topay up.(索尼音乐表示会“保留法律追诉权”,迫使亚马逊向其付费。)
- 12、He announced very publicly soon afterwards that he would notpay up.(后来,他很快公开宣称,他不会为此付一分钱。)
- 13、We claimed a refund from the association, but they would notpay up.(我们向该协会要求退款,但他们不肯把钱吐出来。)
- 14、He'll neverpay up unless you get tough with him.(你如果不对他强硬点,他是决不会把钱付清的。)
- 15、When investors want their money back, mutual funds have topay up.(当投资者希望拿回自己的钱时,共同基金必须把他们全部付清。)
- 16、It is ready topay up.(它随时准备付出代价。)
- 17、At least some people who would earlier have refused when asked for a bribe, Mr Dreze reckons, would nowpay up.(dreze先生说,至少之前一些人拒绝给好处费,现在可能要掏钱了。)
- 18、The world currently is willing topay up for the liquidity and security of this market.(目前世界上愿意支付这个市场的流动性和安全性了。)
- 19、HOW much does a web search cost? You don'tpay up front.(网络搜索需要花费多少?你不是在网络搜索时就将花费消耗殆尽。)
- 20、Shut up andpay up.(闭嘴,付钱吧。)
- 21、The defendants say they will appeal, and do not have topay up or go to jail until those efforts are exhausted.(被告称他们将提起上诉,在这些努力失败之前,他们不会支付索赔或者面临牢狱之灾。)
- 22、You don'tpay up front, but there are costs nevertheless, and they are not just measured in dollars.(你不需要预先支付费用,但它仍然有一定的价值,这些价值并不能用金钱来衡量。)
- 23、'" a thousand francs, "said a woman's voice."pay up at once or you don't come in."(‘一千法郎,’一个女的声音说,‘马上给钱,要么别进来。’)
- 24、B: we'llpay up as soon as we can.(B:我们会尽快付清的。)
- 25、50% If you earn a large, youpay up to 50% of the loan.(如果你挣得很多,你只需支付贷款的。)
- 26、I had a hard time getting him topay up.(我好不容易让他还清了全部欠款。)
- 27、Rather thanpay up or work out a settlement, Bowman decided to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court.(鲍曼决定上诉至最高法院,而不是付钱或达成和解。)