1、Add to that the dismaljudicial system, and the outlook is grim.(再加上黑暗的司法系统,前景更加严峻了。)
2、Bias against women permeates every level of thejudicial system.(对妇女的偏见全面影响司法体系的各个层面。)
3、We should take some comfort from the ability of thejudicial system to fight back against corruption.(我们应从司法制度打击腐败的能力方面获得一些安慰。)
4、The longjudicial process added to her grief.(漫长的司法程序更增加了她的悲痛。)
5、He had the state'sjudicial power behind him.(他有国家司法力量在其背后支持他。)
6、China'sjudicial authorities are the one to comment on the case.(这个案件应该由中国的司法部门具体解释。)
7、Journalists are prominent victims of Iraq'sjudicial system.(记者也成为了伊拉克司法系统的主要受害者。)
8、Thisjudicial review claim is struck out.(这一司法复审请求被驳回。)
9、The inquiry acknowledges failings in thejudicial system.(这次调查承认司法制度有缺陷。)
10、The applicant soughtjudicial review to quash the bin-dover order.(申请人请求司法审理以便废除责令某人守法的命令。)
11、Second, the Akmal case is ajudicial issue.(第二,关于阿克毛案件,这是一个司法问题。)
12、But not, if that were to happen, the tribunal'sjudicial reputation.(可是他们“滚”了,法庭的司法声誉又该如何呢?)
13、They have endured suchjudicial fecklessness before.(他们从前就忍受过这样的司法软弱的情况。)
14、I accept there were somejudicial mistakes.(的确有一些审判方面的错误。)
15、How it happened is unclear; ajudicial inquiry has begun.(具体是怎样的情况还不清楚,司法调查已经开始进行。)
16、The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.(报告称滥用刑法非常普遍,政府军队将其作为司法程序之外的判决。)
17、If he is found guilty, hisjudicial career will be over.(如果他被判有罪,他的司法生涯也就结束了。)
18、"judicial usurpation", was Father Neuhaus's term for it.(“司法僭越”是纽豪斯神父对它的称呼。)
19、These studies suggest that choice blindness can occur in a wide variety of situations and can have serious implications for medical andjudicial outcomes.(这些研究表明,“选择盲”这一病症可以发生在各种各样的情形下,并可能对医疗和司法结果产生严重影响。)
20、The case is subject tojudicial review.(这个案子必须接受司法审查。) Hao86.com
21、The criminaljudicial system always comes up at the top of the list of voters' concerns in focus groups.(刑事司法制度总是出现在焦点小组中投票者关注事项之首。)
22、Thejudicial procedure is often complicated and tedious.(而司法程序往往很复杂和冗长。)
23、Thejudicial Council consists of three Judges.(司法委员会由三名法官组成。)
24、Enhancing the party's onus probandi has been the common understanding of the law andjudicial circle in our country.(强化当事人举证责任已成为我国法学理论和司法实务界的共识。)
25、Thejudicial near lynching of DSK humiliated France.(对DSK近乎滥用私刑式的审判羞辱了法国。)
26、The Akmal case is ajudicial issue.(阿克毛案件是一个司法问题。)