
rule of thumb造句

rule of thumb造句

更新时间:2024-06-30 12:50:08


rule of thumb造句

  • 1、In fact, a goodrule of thumb would indicate that at least 23 tests should have been written.(实际上,好的规则应当是:应当编写至少23个测试。)
  • 2、A once commonrule of thumb was to create swap space equivalent to the amount of real RAM.(一种常见的经验法则是创建与实际RAM大小相同的交换空间。)
  • 3、Here's a goodrule of thumb.(下面是一条基于经验的原则。)
  • 4、Light travels basically a foot in a nanosecond. Simplerule of thumb.(光行进的速度是每纳秒一英尺,很简单的经验法则了。)
  • 5、rule of thumb (if possible): Pick a major in a field in which you're getting more A's than B's.(经验法则(如果可行的话):选择一个你拿A比B多的专业。)
  • 6、A goodrule of thumb is to take a whiff of what you are buying.(一个经验之谈就是闻一闻你想购买的东西。)
  • 7、A goodrule of thumb is that it takes about one program manager for every four programmers.(经验法则是大约没四个程序员对应一个项目经理。)
  • 8、As arule of thumb for OLTP applications, use DMS tablespaces with multiple devices.(作为OLTP应用程序的经验法则,可在多个设备上使用dms表空间。)
  • 9、It's a goodrule of thumb, yes.(这是一个号的经验法则,是的。)
  • 10、That simplerule of thumb will help you ensure your queries behave like you expect.(这一简单的法则可以保证查询得到预期的结果。)
  • 11、Another common but uselessrule of thumb is history.(另一个普遍但无用的凭感觉判断原则是历史原则。)
  • 12、A goodrule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit.(一个很好的经验法则是,雇主要获取利润的话,其中间人必须创造10倍于自己薪水的销售额。)
  • 13、As a generalrule of thumb, at every transition point, log it.(根据一般的经验,在每个过渡的地方,需要进行日志记录。)
  • 14、Thisrule of thumb applies to just about any attempt at persuasion.(这种经验法则也适用于任何试图劝说的情况。)
  • 15、Arule of thumb if you like. A way of making a decision.(拇指原则,一种做决定的方式。)
  • 16、The generalrule of thumb is to always create a backup before beginning.(一般的经验法则是一定要在更新之前创建一个备份。)
  • 17、In 20 years of observing start-ups, he has developed a simplerule of thumb.(在对新企业进行了20年的观察之后,他总结出了一套(定价的)简单经验。)
  • 18、Automation is critical. A usefulrule of thumb.(因此,客户服务的自动化是很重要的。)
  • 19、A goodrule of thumb: Dress as if it's 20 degrees warmer outside than it really is.(一个好的法则是按比实际温度高20度的天气穿着。)
  • 20、My TDDrule of thumb is that tests should be moist but not drenched.(我的TDD经验法则是,测试应该是湿润的,但是不要湿透。)
  • 21、Anotherrule of thumb is that client classes do not belong in a domain package.(另一条经验就是客户机类并不属于一个域包。)
  • 22、The bestrule of thumb is to be 'friends' with your child on Facebook.(最好的原则是和你的孩子在Facebook上交朋友。)
  • 23、The investment bank has come up with an interestingrule of thumb on recessions.(关于经济衰退,这家投资银行提出了一个有趣的经验法则。)
  • 24、The generalrule of thumb is don't put build artifacts into your SCM system.(一般的经验做法是不将编译工件(artifact)放到SCM系统中。)
  • 25、Here's a quickrule of thumb: the higher the return, the higher the risk.(这儿有个简易的经验法则:回报越高,风险越高。)
  • 26、That's actually a really goodrule of thumb.(那实际上是一个好的经验法则。)
  • 27、This isn't a RUP rule, but it served as a goodrule of thumb for us.(这不是RUP的规则,但是对于我们来说这是一个好的规则。)
  • 28、Thisrule of thumb won't work in every case.(这种大拇指式的规则并不总是有效。)
  • 29、Therule of thumb for improving in anylanguage is simple practice.(提高任何语言能力都有一条经验法则,就是多练。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 30、I had arule of thumb as a reporter.(我有一个作为记者的法则。)

rule of thumb基本释义

rule of thumb

英 [ru:l ɔv θʌm] 美 [rul ʌv θʌm] 
名词复数: rulesofthumb

名词拇指规则; 经验法则; 凭感觉的方法; 单凭经验的方法