
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:22:52



  • 1、Nostarch, please.(请不要上浆。)
  • 2、A bundle of extra "fancystarch" had come in.(一大包额外的“花式浆洗”送了过来。)
  • 3、It has the abilities such asstarch hydrolysis, nitrate reduction, milk peptonization and H2S production.(它能水解淀粉,进行硝酸盐还原,能使牛奶胨化,产生硫化氢。)
  • 4、Sugar andstarch are broken down in the stomach.(糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。)
  • 5、Ok. Do you want us to usestarch?(好的。你想要上浆吗?)
  • 6、It's important to rinse the rice to remove thestarch.(淘洗大米去掉淀粉很重要。)
  • 7、There's too muchstarch in your diet.(你的日常饮食中淀粉含量太高。)
  • 8、The polysaccharides are the complex carbohydrates, includingstarch, glycogen, and cellulose.(多糖是复杂的碳水化合物,包括淀粉、糖原和纤维素。)
  • 9、She reorganized her eating so that she was taking more fruit and vegetables and lessstarch, salt, and fat.(她重新调整了自己的饮食,在多吃水果蔬菜,少食用淀粉、盐和脂肪。)
  • 10、Faith, to my mind, is a stiffening process, a sort of mentalstarch.(对我来说,信仰是一种硬化过程,一种精神的淬火。)
  • 11、He never puts enoughstarch in my shirts.(他从不给我的衬衫上足够的浆粉。)
  • 12、Wheat is corn's counterpart as thestarch source of choice in the EU.(在欧盟,小麦是玉米的替代品,是淀粉来源的选择。)
  • 13、The soup will reduce by adding some cookingstarch.(汤中加些淀粉将变稠。)
  • 14、It breaksstarch molecules into more digestible fragments.(它使得淀粉分子变成更加易消化的片段。)
  • 15、Fruit are highest in free sugars and lowest instarch.(水果类游离糖最多,淀粉最少。)
  • 16、Resistantstarch is a new resource of dietary fiber.(抗性淀粉是一种新型的膳食纤维资源。)
  • 17、But Asians don't eat potatoes as their main form ofstarch.(但是亚洲人并不以土豆作为淀粉来源的主食。)
  • 18、"They are like little factories that spit out biofuel molecules without the need forstarch or cellulose, " explains Gibbons.(吉本斯解释:“这就像一个不需要淀粉或者纤维素就能生产出生物燃料分子的小型工厂。”)
  • 19、A warm iron and a can of spraystarch can do wonders.(热熨斗和喷雾器也能创造奇迹。)
  • 20、It smelled ofstarch, potatoes and rotten eggs in one combination.(屋里混杂着淀粉、土豆、和臭鸡蛋的味道。)
  • 21、Until recently, the assumption has been that cellulose would take over from sugar andstarch as the feedstock for making biofuels.(直到最近,这个假定认为纤维素会取代蔗糖和淀粉作为给料,制造生物燃料。)
  • 22、So is wheat, which is corn's counterpart as thestarch source of choice in the EU.(小麦也一样,而小麦正是玉米的替代物,作为淀粉来源的选择在欧盟。)
  • 23、The biodegradability of tapiocastarch was studied by using micropopulation symbiotic cocultures.(利用微生物种群共生共培养来研究木薯淀粉的生物降解性。)
  • 24、The flour grains came mostly from cattails and ferns, plants whose roots are rich instarch, kind of like a potato.(面粉主要来自于香蒲和蕨类植物,这些植物的根富含淀粉,有点像土豆。)
  • 25、Plants produce sugars andstarch to provide themselves with energy.(植物制造糖和淀粉来为自身提供能量。)
  • 26、Plus, the resistantstarch in potatoes help your body burn fat, too.(另外,马铃薯中所含的淀粉也能帮助身体燃烧脂肪。)
  • 27、If it contained salt,starch, and grease, we sold it.(如果里面有盐、淀粉和油脂,我们就卖了。)
  • 28、Green algae store food asstarch, as do land plants and have cell walls made of cellulose, similar in composition to those of land plants.(绿藻以淀粉的形式储存食物,陆生植物也是如此,它们的细胞壁由纤维素构成,与陆生植物的细胞壁组成相似。)
  • 29、Try not to overdo it on the sugars andstarch.(不要吃太多糖类食品和淀粉。)



英 [stɑ:tʃ] 美 [stɑ:rtʃ] 
过去式: starched 过去分词: starched 现在分词: starching 第三人称单数: starches


vt.给 ... 上浆