1、Don'thang about. We might be late.(别磨磨蹭蹭的,我们可能会迟到的。)
2、hang about! There's something not quite right here.(且慢!这儿有点不对头。)
3、This month, Studio Classroom talks to Dr. Davidhang about joint injuries, pain, prevention and treatment. Dr.(本刊这个月邀请韩伟医师来谈谈关节伤害与疼痛,以及如何预防和治疗。)
4、We hang around with people in the same town; our friends have about the same educational backgrounds and career goals.(我们总是和来自同一个城镇的人聚在一起;我们的朋友有着几乎相同的教育背景和职业志向。)
5、I can'thang about anymore because I hurry to go to work.(我不可能磨磨蹭蹭的,因为我要赶着去上班。)
6、Don'thang about, we've got a train to catch!(别慢慢腾腾的,我们要赶火车!)
7、You canhang about here when I send the vegetables.(我送菜的时候,你可以在这儿逛一逛。)
8、hang about in the waiting room, I'll arrive at once.(在候车室等着,我马上就到。)
9、Mary's plane was late so she had tohang about in the airport all morning.(玛丽要等的飞机误点了,所以她一上午都在机场闲待着。)
10、And the city is also full of great Turkish baths where youhang about semi naked for hours, popping in and out of the saunas and steam rooms and sipping mint tea.(这城市里充斥着一流的土耳其浴场,你可以在里面舒适的躺个把小时,出入于桑拿房和蒸气室来杯薄荷茶。)
11、Crowley had thought about this for some time and, around about 1023, had said, Hang on, that only works, right, if you start everyone off equal, okay?(对于天使这样的解释,克鲁利着时考虑了一段时间,大概在1023年左右,他说,等等,厄。。。你必须把所有人都放在同一起跑线上,对吧?)
12、He's got a real hang-up about his height.(他为他的身高很是苦恼。)
13、I was tempted tohang about the kitchen, where Tape-Glasses stood wedged in the corner, waiting for tea.(我本想徘徊在厨房,因为胶布眼镜男正站在厨房的角落里等着茶水。)
14、Don't fling your clothes about on the chair; hang them up.(别把衣服乱扔在椅子上,把它们挂起来。)
15、I don't have any hang-ups about my body.(我对自己的身体没有任何担忧。)
16、I think of what has come and gone, years like water have flowed by, Long Ihang about, infused with autumn thoughts are my sighs.(想过去未来的进退升沉,岁月如流水。我徘徊叹息,愁思如潮,久久难以平静。)
17、A new world willhang about.(一个新的世界即将来临。)
18、I wanted tohang about with the guys.(我想和朋友们去闲逛。)
19、If those so-called friends let you hang around them just so they can feel better about themselves, who are the real losers?(如果那些所谓的朋友,让你陪在身旁,这样他们就可以自我感觉更加良好,那谁才是真正的输家?)
20、They had met after school in Hackney, sitting on the wall outside the off-licence where the kids used tohang about.(两人在哈克尼放学后相识,曾经一起坐在孩子们经常闲逛的酒铺墙头。)
21、If your application runs beyond this specifiable hang threshold, a notification will be sent out about the potentially hung thread.(如果应用程序的运行时间超过了这个指定的挂起阀值,该工具将发出一则提醒线程可能已经挂起的通知。)
22、With servicers now given greater leeway to intervene, questions about how far they can go without compromising trusts' tax status hang over the industry.(随着托管方有了更大的干预空间,关于在不影响信托机构的税法地位的前提下,托管人在多大程度上进行干预的问题仍悬而未决。)
23、I can'thang about—the boss wants to see me.(我可不能磨磨蹭蹭了—老板要见我。)
24、Whenever a system seems to "hang" for about eight to 10 seconds and then runs fine for a while, a DNS network problem is one of the most likely suspects.(每当发现一个系统会先“挂起”8到10秒钟,然后又能正常运行一段时间,最值得怀疑的地方是DNS网络问题。)
25、This reminds me unpleasantly of Sunnyhill School in Streatham, with its harsh tarmac, where I used tohang about in corners fantasising about wildlife.(这让我不愉快地想起了斯特里塔姆(Streatham)的桑尼希尔学校(SunnyhillSchool),那里有粗糙的柏油路,我曾在那的角落里闲逛,幻想着野生动植物。)