


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:03:30



  • 1、The cesser clause has established that the cesser ofliability is assumed co-extensive only with the lien given to the shipowner.(船舶责任终止条款规定,船舶责任终止人仅与船舶所有人享有留置权享有共同扩展权。)
  • 2、Since the child had made no real economic contribution to the family, there was noliability for damages.(由于儿童没有对家庭作出真正的经济贡献,因此他们没有赔偿责任。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 3、An Ordinary Equity Module impacts the Balance Sheet in four ways, one of which is Non-Currentliability.(普通股模块以四种方式影响资产负债表,其中一种是非流动负债。)
  • 4、Part 5 coversliability management and more enhancements.(第5部分将介绍债务管理和功能增强。)
  • 5、Since his injury, Jones has become more of aliability than an asset to the team.(琼斯负伤以来,与其说他是全队的骨干倒不如说他已成为队里的累赘。)
  • 6、As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him aliability.(随着总统的威信持续下降,他们显然开始认为他是一个累赘。)
  • 7、But they have come to view him as aliability.(但是他们也把他看做一个负债者。)
  • 8、I would use credit cards over debit cards because ofliability issues.(因为债务问题,我会使用信用卡而不是借记卡。)
  • 9、He was ordered to pay the company $500,000 on account pending a final assessment of hisliability.(在对他的债务做最后的评估期间,他被命令先付这家公司50万美元。)
  • 10、Unhappy customers will become your biggestliability.(不满意的用户将成为你公司最大的负担。)
  • 11、LIMITATION OFliability.(责任限制。)
  • 12、Card issuers have so far calculated that absorbing theliability for even big hacks like the Target one is still cheaper than replacing all that plastic.(发卡机构迄今为止的计算结果是,即便是为塔吉特这样的大黑客承担债务,也比更换所有的信用卡要便宜。)
  • 13、You hold noliability of damages.(你没有责任赔偿损失。)
  • 14、The company does not acceptliability for fragile, valuable or perishable articles.(公司对于易碎、贵重或易腐烂的物品不负责任。)
  • 15、TEPCO favours aliability cap.(TEPCO渴望一种责任的封顶。)
  • 16、Productliability is a specialliability for tort, which applies for "lex loci delicti as lex sausae" principle in private international law.(产品责任作为一种特殊的侵权责任,在传统上适用“侵权行为地法作为准据法”这一国际私法原则。)
  • 17、I carry automobileliability insurance.(我带着汽车损害保险。)
  • 18、If the moderate end of the legal community has its way, the information on products might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legalliability.(如果法律界的温和派占上风,产品信息的提供实际上可能是为了顾客的利益,而不是对法律责任的保护。)
  • 19、It's an absoluteliability today.(但是今天,它完全成了一个负担。)
  • 20、Debit cards have differentliability limits depending on the bank and the events surrounding any fraud.(借记卡有不同的责任限制,取决于其银行和与欺诈相关的事件。)
  • 21、Keep in mind, too, that credit cards typically have betterliability protection than debit cards.(也要记住,信用卡通常比借记卡有更好的债务保护。)
  • 22、75 billion that Capgemini consultants estimate it will take to convert all their registers to be chip-and-PIN-compatible, the potentialliability they now face is dramatically greater.(据凯捷咨询公司估计,他们需要750亿才能将所有寄存器转换成芯片和PIN码兼容型,因而他们现在面临的潜在债务剧烈增长。)
  • 23、But in the executive circle, beauty can become aliability.(但在管理层内,拥有美貌会成为一种负担。)
  • 24、Business companies are usually incorporated with limitedliability, with open-ended investment companies issuing redeemable shares.(商业公司通常是发行可赎回的股票开放式投资有限责任公司。)
  • 25、That has become aliability.(但现在成为了一个负担。)
  • 26、But in other cases, it can be aliability.(但是在其他情况下,它可能成为麻烦。)
  • 27、The company cannot acceptliability for any damage caused by natural disasters.(该公司对自然灾害造成的任何损失概不承担责任。)



英 [ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti] 美 [ˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪti] 
名词复数: liabilities
