
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:28:26



  • 1、The details of theroyalty arrangements were not publicized.(关于版税的具体细节目前还没有公布。)
  • 2、royalty and government leaders from all around the world are gathering in Japan.(来自世界各国的王室和政府首脑们正聚集日本。)
  • 3、And yeah we were treated likeroyalty, got free tequila everywhere we went.(我们被当做王室成员来对待。哪里都有免费的龙舌兰喝。)
  • 4、Kudos to the Britishroyalty for recognizing the potential of social media!(英国皇室大赞这个新事物是有潜力的社交媒介!)
  • 5、Spirituality, ceremony, mystery, transformation,royalty.(灵性,仪式,神秘,转生,皇权。)
  • 6、Not all the photos areroyalty-free, but most of them are!(不是所有的照片都是免版税的,但大多数是!)
  • 7、The color ofroyalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication.(紫色是高贵的颜色,它象征着奢华、文雅与财富。)
  • 8、I'm in the company of visitingroyalty.(我正与远道而来的贵族相伴。)
  • 9、The King chafed bitterly over the stupendous indignity thus put upon hisroyalty, but Hendon was moody and taciturn.(国王对他的王权受到的巨大侮辱感到非常愤怒,亨顿更是憋住一肚子气,沉默寡言。)
  • 10、The Kings Dominion law has nothing to do withroyalty.(“多米宁王法律”与皇族无关。)
  • 11、The gala evening was attended byroyalty and politicians.(王室成员和政坛要人参加了这个晚会。)
  • 12、Purple is the color ofroyalty and sophistication showing wealth and luxury.(紫色是一种显示财富和奢侈的象征王权和诡辩的颜色。)
  • 13、royalty ran them on an industrial scale.(王室的厨房则是工业级的规模。)
  • 14、Purple is associated withroyalty.(紫色与尊贵联系在一起。)
  • 15、Theroyalty rate shall be 15% of the net sales value of the products.(专利权使用费是产品净销售价值的15%。)
  • 16、Silk quickly grew into a symbol of status, and originally, onlyroyalty were entitled to have clothes made of silk.(丝绸很快成为地位的象征,而最初,只有皇室成员才有资格穿丝绸做的衣服。)
  • 17、Treat your customers (readers) likeroyalty.(恭敬地对待你的客户(读者们)。)
  • 18、None of us areroyalty, but we do have choices.(我们都不是皇室成员,但是我们拥有选择。)
  • 19、This drive comes with aroyalty free distribution license.(这个驱动程序附带了一个免版权费的发布许可。)
  • 20、royalty payments are made only twice a year. How could I pay you ahead of time?(不能,版税一年只能结算两次,现在还不到时候,我怎好付给你呢?)
  • 21、The fact that you even said that shows you're notroyalty.(就通过你所说的,都能证明你不是王室成员。)
  • 22、There's Prince Philip, and this is some Danishroyalty in the back.(这是菲利普王子,这背后是丹麦皇室成员。)
  • 23、We were treated likeroyalty.(我们受到了君王般的礼遇。)
  • 24、That is a family that proceeds from a long line ofroyalty.(那是一个出自源远流长的王室家族的家庭。)
  • 25、When we saw him last,royalty was just beginning to have a bright side for him.(当我们最后一次见到他的时候,帝王生活对他刚开始有了光明的一面。)
  • 26、One person who knows him told me that had a mystique of "royalty".(一个了解他的人告诉我:他有一家“皇家”骨董店。)



英 [ˈrɔɪəlti] 美 [ˈrɔɪəlti] 
名词复数: royalties

