1、A third are displaced and many live inmakeshift plastic shelters.(三分之一背井离乡,很多住在临时性的塑料棚里。)
2、A few cushions formed amakeshift bed.(临时用几个垫子拼了一张床。)
3、The soldiers were rigging up amakeshift bridge.(士兵们正在搭建临时桥梁。)
4、Merkavas was converted intomakeshift APCs or armored ambulances by taking out the palleted ammunition racks in storage.(Merkavas通过取出储存的托盘弹药架,转换为临时的APC或装甲的救护车。)
5、There were trams, orderly queues,makeshift picture houses and smoking factory chimneys.(曾经有往来的电车,秩序井然的队伍,临时搭建的画屋和从不停歇的工厂烟囱。) (好工具hao86.com)
6、A crowd of village women holding sari cloth around them as amakeshift curtain, and poured soapy water from a metal pan over their heads.(一群村里的妇人举着充当临时布帘的莎丽围着她们,从她们头顶上的一个金属锅里倒肥皂水。)
7、Men in white prayer caps ferried the dead and injured away onmakeshift stretchers.(头戴白色祈祷帽的男人用临时做成的担架把死伤者运走。)
8、makeshift tents sit amid sturdier ones at the nursing home.(看护之家的临时帐篷搭建在比它更为坚固的帐篷中。)
9、Some doctors arrangedmakeshift surgeries in private homes.(一些医生在普通居民家中安排移动手术。)
10、makeshift memorials like this one have appeared as the city mourns its loss.(城市在悼念亡者,像这样的街头悼念形式出现了。)
11、Not far away other earthquake survivors wail in agony in amakeshift hospital.(离他们不远处,地震中的其他幸存者在临时搭建的医院中痛苦地哀号。)
12、Thismakeshift ring is on the outskirts of Lahore.(这个临时修建的摔跤场地在拉合尔郊外。)
13、makeshift tracks were laid on the streets to speed up rubble removal.(街上铺上了临时小道以加块碎石的清理。)
14、Children play amakeshift game with their sandals.(小孩子们用他们的凉鞋玩一个即兴游戏。)
15、Thousands continue to live inmakeshift camps near the border with Uzbekistan.(数以千计的乌族人继续住在紧靠乌兹别克斯坦边境的临时营地内。)
16、They buildmakeshift shelters from twigs, cardboard, and scraps of old clothing.(他们用细小的树枝,纸板和破旧的衣物支起临时屁护所。)
17、makeshift cookers also catch fire easily, maiming and killing.(临时的炉具也很容易着火,导致人员残废和死亡。)
18、Create amakeshift solution to recharge the battery and start the car.(想出一个权宜之计,为电池充电,并启动汽车。)
19、The accommodation for the press wasmakeshift at best.(迁就新闻界充其量只是个权宜之计。)
20、People are sprawled onmakeshift beds in the cafeteria.(人们四仰八叉地躺在食堂里搭起的临时床铺上。)
21、Many of the 400 or so Darfuris there now have been living inmakeshift tents.(大概400左右的达尔富尔人现在已经在临时搭建的帐篷里生活。)
22、makeshift hospitals are struggling to treat thousands of injured.(临时性的医院在竭尽全力医治数以千计的受伤人员。)
23、My first memory is of awakening in amakeshift bed, dried snot caked in my nose and mouth, under a blanket of reeds.(我最初的记忆是在一张临时搭建的床上醒来,鼻子和嘴巴上结着干鼻涕,身上盖着芦苇毯子。)
24、The locals are eating lunch inmakeshift kitchens down grungy back alleys.(沿着脏乱的陋巷,当地居民正在临时搭建的厨房里吃午饭。)
25、Several hundred civilians, their homes in ashes, huddle undermakeshift shelters.(还有房子已成灰烬的几百平民,他们拥挤在临时搭建的遮蔽处内。)