更新时间:2025-03-02 12:22:57
- 1、However the inputpane only shows three inputs.(可是输入窗格只显示出三个输入框。)
- 2、This displays the JMS server properties in the contentpane.(这将显示内容窗格中JMS服务器的属性。)
- 3、Click Simple in the leftpane, and File in the rightpane.(单击左窗格里的Simple以及右窗格里的File。)
- 4、One of Fuller's major inventions was underlighting, in which she stood on apane of frosted glass illuminated from underneath.(富勒的重大发明之一是底灯,她站在一格磨砂玻璃上,照明的光来自下方。)
- 5、Go to the navigationpane in the J2EE perspective.(转到J2EE透视图中的导航窗格。)
- 6、Doing so brings up your subset in the leftpane.(这样将在左边窗格中打开您的子集。)
- 7、Navigator does not show custom actions in the navigatorpane.(导航器无法在导航器面板中显示定制的动作。)
- 8、The table of contentspane on the left provides three options.(左侧的表格内容窗格提供了三个选项。)
- 9、Use a contentspane.(使用内容窗格。)
- 10、Expand your query in the tree structure in the leftpane.(在左边的面板中,展开树结构中的查询。)
- 11、It has twopanes, with the properties view playing an important role in the lowerpane.(它有两个窗格,其中下面的窗格具有属性视图并起着重要的作用。)
- 12、Save the action and exit the programmer'spane.(保存此动作并退出程序员面板。)
- 13、In the System variablespane, click New.(在系统变量窗格中,单击新建。)
- 14、The nextpane confirms that the certificate is being generated.(下一个窗格确认了正在生成证书。)
- 15、It will break the window-pane!(它会打破窗玻璃的!)
- 16、I watch my reflection in apane of glass.(我在一块玻璃里看着我的映像。)
- 17、Thispane shows all the projects you have under the same workspace and their objects in a hierarchical structure.(该面板以层次结构显示同一个工作区中的所有项目,以及它们的对象。)
- 18、H -pane used to show one or more page title.(h—用于显示一个或多个页面标题的窗格。)
- 19、The Inputpane only shows three inputs.(输入窗格只显示出三个输入框。)
- 20、You can use thispane to create customized graphs.(您可以使用此窗格创建自定义的图表。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 21、Click on the human taskpane in the human task editor to see the human task properties tabs.(在人工任务编辑器中单击人工任务窗格,以查看人工任务属性选项卡。)
- 22、The upper-rightpane shows the values of variables.(右上方的窗格显示变量的值。)
- 23、The rightpane displays information topics.(右窗格则显示信息主题。)
- 24、The upper-leftpane shows the current executing thread.(左上方的窗格显示当前正在执行的线程。)
- 25、The leftpane shows the architectural discovery.(左边的面板显示了那些架构挖掘。)
- 26、Operations should be displayed in the rightpane.(操作应该会显示在右边面板中。)
- 27、Each TABpane has a title and can store other components.(每个标签面板有一个标题,其中可以容纳其他组件。)
- 28、Apane of glass got broken.(一块玻璃被打碎了。)
- 29、How it wuthered and how the big raindrops poured down and beat against thepane!(这风呜呜咆哮得多响啊!大颗的雨点多用力地砸在窗户上啊!)
- 30、Another optional view is available as a separatepane.(另一个可选的视图可以作为单独的窗格使用。)
英 [peɪn] 美 [pen]