


更新时间:2024-08-27 12:09:27



  • 1、One of the controllers later told me that it amounted to aninexplicable bad feeling in his gut. But it was undeniable nonetheless.(后来其中一个管理员告诉我,莫名的就是有种不祥的预感堵在心里,这感觉虽然毫无理由但确定无疑。)
  • 2、This budget war reflects inanity, incompetence and cowardice that are sadlyinexplicable.(这场预算之争中展现出的无知、无能和无胆,真是让人费解又悲哀。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 3、I tuned him out to consider the jumble ofinexplicable images churning chaotically in my head.(我不理他转而考虑那混沌而复杂的图像混乱的搅拌在我的脑海里。)
  • 4、The less said the better about the team's cheap-shot fouls, blown defensive assignments andinexplicable lack of energy.(对这支队伍谈论的越少,故意犯规就越好,防守策略和莫名的懈懈怠倍受责难。)
  • 5、The tastes of others are alwaysinexplicable, but "1001 Books" embodies some structural irregularities.(其他的尝试总是没有办法解释清楚,但是《1001本书》体现了一些结构性的谬误。)
  • 6、inexplicable feeling of the people around me are in hiding, in my discussions.(莫名其妙的感觉周围的人都在躲我,都在议论我。)
  • 7、For as we've learned from her journal, even Mother Theresa found God's waysinexplicable at times, soinexplicable that they caused her anguish.(因为我们学会了从她的日记,甚至德兰修女发现神的道,所以莫名有时令人费解,他们引起了她的痛苦。)
  • 8、It isinexplicable and beyond rationalization.(它无法解释的,和超越合理化的。)
  • 9、A man complained about a "constantinexplicable cough".(一个男士抱怨他的持续无故咳嗽。)
  • 10、But Mr Obara remains aninexplicable monster.(但是Obara先生仍像一个不可理喻的怪物。)
  • 11、For someinexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.(由于某种莫名其妙的原因,他放弃了一份很不错的工作。)
  • 12、His behaviour was extraordinary andinexplicable.(他的行为离奇且令人费解。)
  • 13、Maria Spiropulu of CERN and the California Institute of Technology called the results “very impressive andinexplicable.”(欧洲核子研究中心兼加州理工学院的物理学家玛莉亚·丝波罗普鲁认为该研究结果“不仅令人印象深刻,而且令人感到费解。”)
  • 14、Sometimes,inexplicable events come up that keep you from getting things done. These things happen.(有时候,有些没办法解释的事情会发生,阻止你完成工作。)
  • 15、The sandlot was adorned by twoinexplicable plastic palm trees.(操场装饰了两棵塑料树(plasticpalmtrees这个不知道是啥),有点突兀和不可思议。)
  • 16、It was an odd stance, but notinexplicable.(这虽然奇怪,但却并非不可解释。)
  • 17、Fantasy in your, in my, in our own crazy world of deepinexplicable turn.(幻想在你、在我、在我们的各自的莫名深沉的世界里狂转。)
  • 18、There wasinexplicable static in the results they were gathering.(在他们取得的结果中出现了一些无法解释的干扰。)
  • 19、It was just unheard of, it wasinexplicable.(这是闻所未闻的,这是令人费解的。)
  • 20、If their blood sugar levels dip too fast, it can cause sudden,inexplicable meltdowns, poor judgment, or lack of impulse control.(如果他们的血糖低得过快会引发突发性、无法解释的身体机能下降,判断力下降或者脉搏不明显。)
  • 21、What is soinexplicable about stilettos is not why women wear them, but why they ever wear them twice.(高跟鞋无法说明的,并不是为什么女性要穿高跟鞋,而是他们为什么还要穿第二次。)
  • 22、The feeling of following your dreams isinexplicable and proof that all your hard work was worth it.(追随梦想的感受是难以言喻的,并且证明你所有的努力都是值得的。)
  • 23、It was just unheard of, it wasinexplicable. We went back, re-analysed things and checked that everything was OK.(这是闻所未闻的,这是令人费解的。我们回去,重新分析事情并确认一切正常。)



英 [ˌɪnɪkˈsplɪkəbl] 美 [ɪnˈɛksplɪkəbəl,ˌɪnɪkˈsplɪkəbəl] 
副词: inexplicably 名词: inexplicability
