1、MOST countries earn their keep through effort andingenuity.(大部分国家靠努力与智慧创造财富。) 【hao86.com好工具】
2、It was a perfectly composed bit of slang, a minor triumph of Yankeeingenuity.(有些像是绝妙的俚语,也是北方佬近乎天才般的胜利。)
3、For their part, outsiders showed patience andingenuity.(对他们来说,局外人表现出耐性和独创性。)
4、They had not noticed the humaningenuity that incentives can draw forth.(他们忽略了人类特有的独创性:激励诱发前进。)
5、Since the dawn of humaningenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty.(自从人类有了聪明才智以来,人们就设计出越来越狡猾的工具来从事危险、枯燥、繁重或纯粹是肮脏的工作。)
6、I admire theingenuity and file away the idea for possible use in the future.(我佩服他们的想象力,并把这个想法归档以备将来之需。)
7、It's not cash that's needed, so much asingenuity and willingness.(因为与钱相比,我们更需要的,是人们的巧思和意愿。)
8、The design objective and the business commitment were to sportswear, and the distinctive traits were problem-solvingingenuity and realistic lifestyle applications.(设计目标和商业投入的方向是运动装,其独有的特点是解决问题的独创性和在现实生活方式中的应用。)
9、Finally, we must never underestimate the power of humaningenuity.(最后,我们永远不能低估人类创造力的力量。)
10、Sorting through this wreckage will take time, energy andingenuity.(整理这些遗留下来的残骸需要花费时间、精力和灵活的头脑。)
11、The old lady and gentleman were taken in by her cordialingenuity.(老先生和老夫人被她的乖巧骗住了。)
12、Now the tiresome chirping of a cricket that no humaningenuity could locate, began.(这时,一只蟋蟀开始发出烦人的唧唧声,而人们根本找不到它在哪。)
13、Humaningenuity struggles on.(人类的创造力还在继续。)
14、Sellers can now apply that sameingenuity to web behavior.(销售者现在同样可以寻找相同的窍门在网络交易平台上。)
15、Space exploration has always been the province of dreamers: The human imagination readily soars where humaningenuity struggles to follow.(太空探索一直是梦想家的工作领域:人类的想象力迅速提升,人类的聪明才智在其后努力追随着。)
16、This is novel with a narrative plot of greatingenuity.(这是一部具有天才的情节的小说。)
17、Inspecting the nest can be difficult and may require someingenuity.(仔细检查鸟巢可能有困难,也许需要一些巧妙的心思。)
18、Cities allow ouringenuity to grow by pulling huge numbers of different people together, who then exchange ideas.(城市通过把大量不同的人聚集在一起交流想法,让我们的创造力得以增长。)
19、It's limited only by youringenuity!(被束缚的仅仅是你的独创性!)
20、ingenuity is a necessity when resources are limited and customers have little money.(当资源有限且消费能力不高的情况下,独创性就成为必然。)
21、Theingenuity of Renaissance architects extended beyond merely using a material in a way not suggested by its outward natural appearance.(文艺复兴时期的建筑师的独创性不仅仅是使用一种材料,而是以一种不被其外在自然外观所暗示的方式。)
22、The clock was the greatest achievement of medieval mechanicalingenuity.(钟表是中世纪机械精巧装置的最大成就。)
23、Commitment to health goals can also unleash the great power of humaningenuity.(对卫生目标的承诺也能够激发出人类独创性的巨大力量。)
24、And they are a real credit to their mother'singenuity and dedication.(他们真的信任母亲的聪明才智和奉献精神。)
25、Sitting with my IV drip, I like to think about all the human labour andingenuity that come together in this medical moment.(坐着打静脉点滴的时候,我喜欢思考在这医疗时刻汇聚到了一起的所有的人力和智慧。)
26、They suppress theingenuity of our people and businesses.(它们抑制我们的人民和企业的创造力。)