
更新时间:2025-03-09 12:27:27



  • 1、He came into thepulpit, extended his hand, and said, 'Reverend, I liked your sermon.(他来到讲台上并伸出手说:“牧师,我喜欢你的讲演。”)
  • 2、Her present gaiety sounded to him like laughter heard in the shadow of thepulpit.(在他看来,她现在的欢快简直就象在教堂讲坛的阴暗角落中发出的笑声。)
  • 3、He toured the country making speeches, every rostrum apulpit for the Gospel of pure food.(他在全国进行巡回演讲,每一个讲坛都充满宣讲纯净食品的声音。)
  • 4、CT: Speaking from the patterns & practicespulpit, I have to be very careful on questions like this.(CT:从模式与实践上来说,在这个问题上我要非常小心。)
  • 5、There is a white-spindled staircase leading to thepulpit.(有一个白色纺锤形的阶梯通往讲道坛。)
  • 6、The golden tassels endow thepulpit with garishness and nobleness.(金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。)
  • 7、The time came for the sermon and he ascended thepulpit steps.(布道的时间到了,他迈上了讲坛的台阶。)
  • 8、Get back in the bullypulpit and tell us what we need to do.(请你回到天字一号讲坛上,告诉大家需要做些什么。)
  • 9、And he has what is called the bullypulpit.(他拥有所谓的讲坛。)
  • 10、He used the bullypulpit of the presidency very effectively.(他非常有效地利用了总统职位这一扩大影响力的工具。)
  • 11、I don't recognize myself when I pronounce my blasphemy-mies from thepulpit.(当我在讲坛上说出那些亵渎神的话时,我并不认识我自己。)
  • 12、He thought of his paper as apulpit.(他当初把这份报纸当做一个讲道坛。)
  • 13、That I am standing here, speaking from thispulpit is fact.(我站在这里的讲坛上,是事实。) hAo86.com
  • 14、When I am in thepulpit, have the pleasure of seeing my audience nod approbation while they sleep.(当我在讲坛说教的时候,看到听众边打瞌睡边点头同意而感到荣幸。)
  • 15、Thepulpit can be a shop-window to display our talents; the closet speaks death to display.(讲坛是一个展示我们才能的橱窗;可是我们不为人知的生活却扼杀我们的展示。)
  • 16、The eloquent and ornate carving on a churchpulpit was done by Indian hands.(教堂讲台上生动而华丽的雕刻是印第安人的手笔。)
  • 17、If you want to warm a church, put a stove in thepulpit.(如果你想让教会温暖,那就在讲坛上放个火炉。)
  • 18、All the young men atpulpit Hill who were eligible - those who were twenty - one - were going into service.(讲坛山上所有适龄的青年%——也就是说,所有二十一岁的青年——都去入伍了。)
  • 19、And the new council's pastor, Derek Hong, tried to mobilise support from thepulpit.(新委员会牧师DerekHong试图动员传教士来支持。)
  • 20、I spoke from thepulpit ad lib.(我在讲坛上做了即兴发言。)
  • 21、A decorative hanging for the front of an altar, a lectern, or apulpit.(圣坛,经坛,道坛等前面的装饰性帷幔。)
  • 22、You don't need a choir, or apulpit or anything else you can see.(你不需要一个唱诗班,或讲道坛或任何你能见的东西。)
  • 23、The left pillar closest to the chancel is installed with a gold-plated marblepulpit.(左列最靠近祭台的一根柱子上设有大理石镏金讲道坛。)
  • 24、Hispulpit was one of the most famous in England.(他的讲坛之一,最有名的在英国。)
  • 25、Arguably, all he has left is the bullypulpit.(按理说,留给他的只有这座天字一号的讲坛。)
  • 26、One patient, an Oklahoma pastor, has returned to thepulpit.(一位来自来自俄克拉荷马的患者,已经重返他的牧师讲坛。)



英 [ˈpʊlpɪt] 美 [ˈpʊlpɪt, ˈpʌl-] 



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