1、Reading is a quiet activity and it will often induce sleep in thesupine position. Especially if it's a dreary textbook or work paper.(阅读是一种很安静的活动,特别是在阅读工作文件或者阅读的内容很枯燥时,仰卧的姿势容易使人入睡。)
2、With the patient in thesupine position, the reamers are introduced over the anterior femoral shaft.(患者取仰卧位,磨挫置于股骨干的前方。)
3、Whensupine, he had severely reduced blood flow through his brain returning to his heart.(在仰卧的时候,由大脑流向心脏的血流会出现神经性减少。)
4、Objective To explore the caesarean section in thesupine hypotension syndrome in the clinical observation and preventive measures.(目的探讨剖宫产术中仰卧位低血压综合征的临床观察和预防方法。)
5、Therefore, to maintain the rightsupine on the health of more benefit.(因此,保持右侧卧位对身体健康更有好处。)
6、Due to thesupine position of the patient and the nature of the approach, however, it has its own unique set of complications.(然而,由于患者取仰卧位以及该入路的特性,该入路有其自身独特的一组并发症。)
7、After his fall into halfsupine.(上体后倒成半仰卧。)
8、If the client must be moved to thesupine position, use the log-rolling technique to maintain spinal integrity.(如需将病人移至仰卧位,可采用滚木手法以保持脊柱完整。)
9、They also hadsupine shareholders.(他们也有懒散的股东。)
10、To drain upper lobes, anterior segments, place the childsupine on a pillow in your LAP.(引流肺上叶的肺前段,把枕头放在你的腿上,让小儿仰卧在枕头上。)
11、He may be turned from side tosupine to prone position.(他可以从侧卧位转成仰卧位或俯卧位。)
12、Thesupine pelvic tilt is a great exercise for "awakening" the pelvis, reducing pain in the lumbar spine.(仰卧盘骨倾斜运动对激发盘骨及减少腰椎疼痛有很好的作用。)
13、Sometimes, in a case of dynamic DS the vertebral slipping cannot be seen on the standardsupine radiographs or MRI.(有时在动态退行性椎体滑移时,标准的仰卧位放射检查或者MRI检查可能无法发现椎体滑移。)
14、Group 2 (control group) had 29 patients who were laidsupine after injection.(组2(对照组)有29例,注射后采用仰卧位。)
15、Resultssupine hypotensive patients were with effective prevention and control.(结果仰卧位低血压患者均得到有效预防及控制。) [hao86.com好工具]
16、Intervention: Antegrade IM nail insertion with reaming of the femoral canal in either thesupine or lateral position.(干预:采用仰卧位或侧卧位,股骨扩髓腔后顺行打入IM钉。)
17、No other colony showed suchsupine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried.(没有其他殖民地表现出这种苟安的、自私的无动于衷,任其边境居民被残忍地侵掠。)
18、It promised a counterweight to asupine tendency to follow socially sanctioned practices and ideas.(它向我展示了一种力量,可以抗衡在行动和思想上曲意迎俗的习性。)
19、Objective: To observe gastrointestinal peristaltic function in premature infants in thesupine or prostrate postitons .(前言:目的:观察仰卧位、俯卧位对早产儿胃肠蠕动功能的影响。)
20、Palpation is best accomplished using the fingertips, with the patient eithersupine or in the left lateral decubitus position.(触诊时最好用指尖,病人处仰卧位或左侧卧位。)
21、Although recent censure of corporate boards of directors as "passive" and "supine" may be excessive, those who criticize board performance have plenty of substantive ammunition.(尽管最近对公司董事会“被动”和“懒散”的指责可能有些过分,但那些批评董事会业绩的人有充足的实质性证据。)
22、Nap position to be lying in thesupine or lateral.(午睡姿势宜平躺仰卧或侧卧为佳。)
23、He always sleeps In asupine position.(他总是仰卧而睡。)
24、I laysupine on the poolside grass.(我仰面躺在游泳池边的草地上。)
25、The high-risk factors of child snoring were snoring of parents, adenoidal hypertrophy,supine sleep and obesity.(儿童鼾症发生的主要危险因素有父母打鼾、腺样体肥大、仰卧睡眠、肥胖。)
26、Patients were maintained atsupine position.(患者取仰卧位。)