1、As much as 700 years ago English got the wordvarnish from French.(早在700年前英语从法语中得到varnish这个词。)
2、Usually the wood has a very natural finish, or novarnish at all.(通常这块木头会上一层看上去很自然的清漆,或者什么漆也不上。)
3、Two Open Source front end proxy caches arevarnish and Squid.(varnish和Squid是两个开放源码的前端代理缓存。)
4、This article is based onvarnish V1.1.2, the latest release as of December 2007.(本文使用的是varnishV1.1.2,这是截至2007年12月的最新版本。)
5、The floors had been stripped and sealed withvarnish.(地板上东西挪空,涂上了清漆。)
6、You can even use a nail hardener; it is a kind ofvarnish for your nails.(你还可以试试指甲硬化油;这是一种指甲油。)
7、I was in want of boots, of clothes, of the whole humanvarnish that makes a man perceptible.(我需要皮鞋,需要衣服,需要能使一个人被察觉到的全部装饰。) 【好工具hao86.com】
8、Shall be coated with a compatible, permanent insulating paint, lacquer, orvarnish. The.(所有没有装在密闭房室内的电线和接线终端子版必须涂上一层兼容,永久绝缘的油漆或清漆。)
9、The woodwork was almost finished, and he had begun tovarnish and polish.(木工工作差不多完工了,他开始给书架油漆上光。)
10、It is better to pour thevarnish into a paint kettle.(最好把清漆倒入油漆桶里。)
11、In fact, the chrome yellow chemical reaction occurred between the layers ofvarnish and paint.(实际上,铬黄的化学反应在光泽面和颜料面之间也会发生。)
12、Research showed it was the same ordinaryvarnish used on furniture.(研究表明,它和家具上使用的是一样的普通清漆。)
13、varnish is a relatively new, but very capable, high-performance HTTP reverse proxy.(varnish相对来说较新,但它是一个非常强大而且高性能的HTTP反向代理。)
14、You can buy brushes, paint,varnish and suchlike there.(你在那儿能买到刷子、油漆、清漆之类的东西。)
15、varnish is the glossy protective layer applied to wooden furniture and other surfaces.(清漆是用于木质家具和其他表面的光滑的保护层。)
16、SALESPERSON: Then you apply thevarnish, which is very easy. It is like painting.(店员:然后你擦上修饰漆,很简单,就像油漆一样。)
17、varnish is the stuff of legends. Many violin-makers make their own and guard the recipe jealously.(许多小提琴制作师自己制作清漆,小心翼翼地保有自己的秘方。)
18、He tried tovarnish over the facts, but it was useless.(他想粉饰事实,但那是徒劳的。)
19、Some companies have even managed to train fish to applyvarnish directly!(一些公司甚至干脆训练鱼群来涂指甲油!)
20、Thevarnish comes in six natural wood shades.(这种清漆有6种天然木材的色泽可选。)
21、The “resin process, ” he explained, was just avarnish applied to help the prints stand out.(“树脂工艺,”他解释说,只是一种让指纹更加明显的亮光颜料。)
22、Thevarnish takes a few hours to harden.(清漆需要几个小时才能干透。)
23、You can put another coat ofvarnish on. Or you can put the finish on.(你可以再上另外一层修饰漆,或是上亮光漆。)
24、varnish applied over wet paint is likely to crackle.(清漆涂在未干的油漆上可能会产生裂纹。)
25、The city had an even earlier Greek name that might explain why Berenike begotvarnish.(这个城市曾有一个很早的希腊名字能够解释Berenike产清漆的原因。)
26、Looking through a magnifying glass, Hanley focussed on the most legible fingerprint, which appeared to be covered with a clear finishing coat, like avarnish.(透过放大镜看,汉利将注意力集中到一枚最清晰的指纹上,这枚指纹表面似乎覆盖着一层罩膜,像是一层清漆。)
27、Applyvarnish to the surface.(把清漆涂在表面。)
28、Furthermore, the designs were covered with "desertvarnish", a glaze that develops on rock surfaces over thousands of years of exposure to the elements.(此外,这些设计还覆盖有“沙漠清漆”,一种在岩石表面经过数千年在这些元素暴露下而形成的釉料。)
29、For a long time, people thought thevarnish used to coat and protect the violins was special.(很长一段时间,人们认为过去用来覆盖及保护小提琴的清漆是特殊的。)