


更新时间:2025-02-02 12:27:51



  • 1、However, to my amazement, this award seemed to open afloodgate of money.(但出乎我意料的是,这个奖项为我打开了一扇喷涌金钱的闸门。)
  • 2、This was big news to him and opened afloodgate of questions about what it was like there, where I had been, etc.(这对他来说可是个大新闻,他的问题就像开了闸的洪水,一发不可收拾:大陆是什么样子,我去大陆都住在哪儿,等等。)
  • 3、Since there is less research on the heightening and consolidating thefloodgate suffering the mass-subsidence, this paper does it.(对于大沉陷量地区水闸的加高加固技术,目前研究的较少。)
  • 4、Proved by practice, thefloodgate valve packing seal after transforming can not merely well solve the sealed seepage problem, and has produced very great security and economic benefits.(经实践证明,改造后的闸阀填料密封件不仅能够很好地解决密封渗漏问题,而且产生了很大的安全和经济效益。)
  • 5、The traffic bridge on the Yingzifloodgate is a reinforced concrete well-pile bridge of poor safety.(营子闸交通桥是一座钢筋混凝土井柱桩式桥梁,桥梁状况较差。)
  • 6、The article introduces the technical process and the practice of the XYPEX waterproofing material in the application of repairing the Fuyangfloodgate pillar.(文章介绍了xypex防水材料在阜阳闸闸墩修复中的工艺流程、施工方法。) hao86.com
  • 7、The prevalent method is to implement the safefloodgate, the safe and effective one-way data transmission method, but the safe cost is too high and the hardware costs too expensive.(流行的做法是实行安全闸,这种方法可以做到安全有效的单向数据传输,但是安全成本太高,硬件价格昂贵。)
  • 8、Thefloodgate walls act as concrete projects of big volume subjected to hostile environments such as high temperature and high dampness and pose a high anti-seeping and anti-leaking demand.(水闸墙体为高温高湿环境下的大体积混凝土工程,防渗、防漏要求高。)
  • 9、This paper has analyzed the main problems of a control system forfloodgate.(本文对泄洪闸门控制系统的主要技术问题进行分析。)
  • 10、Build afloodgate on the Yangtze?(在长江上建造一道防洪闸门?)
  • 11、The blasting parameter calculation of the technology is analyzed with the discussion on the rock excavation of the first foundation in nextfloodgate of Bailongtan hydroelectric power station.(结合百龙滩水电站下闸首基础石方开挖工程,详细介绍了该技术的爆破参数计算。)
  • 12、While it's too early to tell, here's hoping that this feature will open thefloodgate to a whole bunch of cheaper Windows software.(虽然有点言之过早,不过还是希望(倘若这消息属实的话)应用程序商店将能打开一扇大门,让我们这些用户畅游在又多又便宜的微软应用之海里吧!)
  • 13、Bannister had broken a belief in the limit of a human's ability to run at such a pace and, consequently, opened afloodgate.(班尼斯特已经打破了人类在这个速度下赛跑的能力的限制,于是也打开了一个闸门。)
  • 14、For resolving the problem with admission of water and abstraction of waterlog of coastland, each Marine estuarine has built thefloodgate.(为解决沿海地区的引水与排涝问题,沿海各入海河口都建有水闸。)
  • 15、The design of bored pile foundation is researched in calculations offloodgate structure. At the same time, the thesis discusses how to consider carrying capacity of vertical resistance between piles.(对水闸结构计算的钻孔桩桩基设计进行研究,并就如何考虑桩间竖向抗力的承载作用进行探讨。)
  • 16、Thefloodgate is closed to control the flow of water.(为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了。)
  • 17、This thesis gives a brief introduction of characteristics of thefloodgate . The latest main methods and steps in structural design offloodgate are discussed.(本论文简要阐述水闸的特点,水闸结构设计的主要新方法和步骤,并对优化理论进行简要分析。)
  • 18、The blasting demolition of the old reinforced concretefloodgate of Quangang which was in a very complicated environment was of some difficulty.(对于复杂工况下的钢筋混凝土结构拆除,是具有一定的技术难度的。)
  • 19、Dongzhangwufloodgate project locates on the flabby base, so the stakes with concrete are used to deal with the base.(东张务防洪闸工程位于软弱地基上,所以采用粉喷桩对地基进行处理。)
  • 20、Is the time lets you be weary? The heartlessfloodgate must indulge you? Enable me only to give you to select the spot to warm and to see you satisfy are also eliminated.(是时间让你厌倦吗?还是无情的闸要把你放纵呢?让我唯一能给你点点温暖和看到你的满足也被剥夺。)
  • 21、And don't let a particular concern open thefloodgate for all your accumulated frustration.(别让某件特别的事情打开你积怨的闸门。)
  • 22、Carried on the detailedfloodgate to the plate drying machinery principle of work and the transformation plan to state, carried on the analysis to the economic efficiency.(锤式烘干机是铜陵化工研究设计院自主开发设计的一种新型高效煅烧石膏粉的专用设备,简要介绍锤式烘干机的工作原理、流程等。)
  • 23、Results show that coatings onfloodgate surface keep intact after 5 years.(介绍了预处理及涂装过程,经5年使用后,漆膜完好无损。)
  • 24、A low pressure infuses to grout the technique infloodgate prevent from seep into handle, the technique parameter etc. are introduced.(通过实例介绍了低压灌浆技术在水闸防渗处理中的施工工艺、技术参数等。)
  • 25、Zhang Zhenyu, spokesman of Shanghai flood Control Headquarters, said that the city is considering building afloodgate near the Yangtze estuary.(上海市防汛指挥部发言人张震宇(音译)说,上海正在考虑在长江河口建造一道防洪闸门。)



英 [ˈflʌdgeɪt] 美 [ˈflʌdˌɡet] 
